January 11th, 2011 / 2:00 pm
Literary Magazine Club

{LMC}: A Conversation with Terrance Hayes

Ploughshares has conversations with each guest editor. Below are two parts of the conversation between Kim McLarin and Terrance Hayes, the guest editor of the issue we are currently reading. Some highlights are Hayes discussing not expecting to win the NBA, how he enjoys his own company, universality and more.  Terrance Hayes is a great writer, National Book Award winner, human being and all but I think we also have to talk about his fineness. Good lord. Enjoy. Also, later this month, I’ll post an interview with Ploughshares editor Ladette Randolph. In the meantime, what is your favorite piece, so far, in the Winter 2010/11 issue?

Part 1

Part 2


  1. Sean

      “I only like to talk about a few things”

      I like that

  2. Roxane

      I liked that too.