July 9th, 2009 / 4:12 pm

The Nasty Bits

litagent I hate thinking or talking about the business side of writing, but Jason Rice just sent me this link to a conversation in which Jonathan Evison and Jason Rice are sussing out the Getting An Agent And Making A Living Problem. That’s all I am going to say about that.

PS: People in the Broolyn region should come to an art opening tonight at Melville House. Jim Osman has some really interesting wall sculptures up and we’re going to have wine and snacks and look at them.


  1. darby

      that conversation put me in a bad mood

  2. darby

      that conversation put me in a bad mood

  3. pr

      I stopped at this-
      “I can honestly say that publication has not changed my approach to writing in any way, I am no more or less committed to the occupation whether or not I’ve managed to break through with some degree of success. I’d still be writing novels the rest of my days even if I had to starve myself, and I’d still feel damn lucky to be doing it.”

      Beyond the fact that I am really impressed that he can see into alternative futures of his own life, I’m just done with this article.

  4. jwvpk

      Yeah, me too. Maybe I need a vice. Any suggestions?

  5. jwvpk

      Yeah, me too. Maybe I need a vice. Any suggestions?

  6. Catherine Lacey

      Yeah, it’s the “and I’d still feel damn lucky to be doing it.” that gets me. But I think he’s right that if the main goal/point of your writing is to get it published then you’re doing the wrong thing…. who doesn’t know this already though?

      Both of them say smarter things than that though…

  7. Catherine Lacey

      Yeah, it’s the “and I’d still feel damn lucky to be doing it.” that gets me. But I think he’s right that if the main goal/point of your writing is to get it published then you’re doing the wrong thing…. who doesn’t know this already though?

      Both of them say smarter things than that though…