September 26th, 2010 / 11:06 am

Le Scrap

I’m feeling scrapbook-y this fine Sunday morning.

1. Insanity 101:


2. There’s a new issue of SpringGun out that includes an e-book and digital writing. I think this is one of the better new online lit mags.

3. Been fascinated lately by color photos from the 1930s. I didn’t realize until seeing these how those beautiful Depression-era black and whites create distance between audience and subject. People become artful vs. real.

4. Ginsberg v. Ginsberg

5. And finally, Tim Burton wrote an Ode to Johnny Depp a while back (of course he did), actually more of a commentary on the nature of Hollywood than anything else. It’s cute, is all. This is from a book called Double Exposure, Take Three: A Gallery of the Celebrated with Commentary by the Equally Celebrated by Roddy McDowall. Bejeezus. But it was posted on Jezebel last week or something.

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  1. Guest

      is flash the future of poetry

  2. alexisorgera

      nah. i think it’s just a branch.

  3. Owen Kaelin

      What sort of tree are we talking?

  4. JWG

      timmy burton needs to get it over with and just full on face fuck johnny depp. he wants it, he wants it so bad.

  5. Guest

      meant “adobe flash,” not “flash fiction” or something

      not sure what people are thinking

  6. alexisorgera

      Yeah, I got the adobe flash thing. Maybe I’m being dumb, but I think poetry will always be poetry, will always have a place on the page–even if the page becomes virtual in many cases. You can fuck around with words in flash, and it looks awesome and has some amazing effects, but I don’t think that mode will take over. Much of poetry’s beauty comes from the stark contrast between highly charged language and white space….I’d say.

  7. Owen Kaelin


  8. Owen Kaelin

      Dammit: That’s what I was afraid of. I meant to post in reply, accidentally didn’t. Now I’m out of context.

      It’s a lonely place.