Blake Butler
Blake Butler lives in Atlanta. His third book, There Is No Year, is forthcoming April 2011 from Harper Perennial.
Blake Butler lives in Atlanta. His third book, There Is No Year, is forthcoming April 2011 from Harper Perennial.
Longtime wildman Shya Scanlon, who’s been creeping in the postgrad corridors of Brown, just released a chapbook through the Literary Review. Free for download and titled POOLSAID, the book is a series of short prose poem surrealist-ish snippets that bring to mind Ben Marcus or some other semi-absurdist deconstructive freaking.
Either way, it’s a quick and fun read, with sentences like: “Her tin pigs coo and crow as mother window-sits, though standing, and scalds a fingertip and frowns, kitchen faucet cocked.”
Good blather mashed with odd visuals, yes.