Decipher an ee cummings poem
Keith Nathan Brown shared this poem with me. He had some opinions on its meaning as did I. After the jump, I’ll share his and my ideas. READ MORE >
Thrash Version of Dopesmoker

This, thanks to Htmgiant reader Sasha, is(was) the band Sleep. What I would do to smoke with any one of them. Or all of them.
I have no weed. I like the video (after the jump)- the “Thrash Version of Dopesmoker”. I do like the original version of Dopesmoker better. But art that inspires art, appropriates it, smokes it, humps it, mocks it, loves it, picks its nose– maybe it doesn’t quite make it as special of a thing as the original– but it can still be of interest in its own right. (See threads on Flannery O’Connor and Tim Gautreaux and read about Salinger suing people.) Also, after the jump, are the lyrics to Dopesmoker, or some of them. (And granted, I will listen to the original waay more than the thrash version.) My husband sent the lyrics via email. I have not fact checked them. Is it possible he transcribed them himself, whilst listening to Dopesmoker, over and over again? I don’t know. (I think it could be so- I need to teach him about lyricsmania and all those other sites.) I haven’t seen him in days. Hm. READ MORE >
Philosophy Lessons from Metal Magazines: Summoning
Hi! This is a picture from Summoning’s website. They are metal. Some really nice person (here on the Giant!) told me I should write about their Tolkien fetish, in regard to literature, so I tried to get my husband to do it (I have never read Tolkien and he recites that shit in his sleep), but he told me to fuck off. Also, he hit tennis balls at me as hard as he could today after I beat him 7/6 in the third in a almost 3 hour match we played. I was embarrassed for him being a bad sport- he’s normally a good sport. But I fucking WON MOTHERFUCKA! Anyway, there is a FANTASTIC inteview with them at the wonderful In it, is this great quote from Kant: READ MORE >
Alice Hoffman has apologized, but the fact that she tweeted angrily and made public the reviewer’s EMAIL AND PHONE NUMBER is beyond weird.
I’m Driving My Son To Camp Tomorrow
I’m a clingy mom. I’m feeling all barfy about driving my son to camp tomorrow. READ MORE >
The Removal of Souls, and More, And Misinterpreting Shit

Does Losing Crush Your Spirit?
I am watching tennis. People lose. They seem crushed. Matthew Simmons just wrote about, among other things, an article that wrote about an abortion. Which is funny, because I was thinking about the removal of things (which is different than a crushing of things, but I am super digressing here non-stop), from reading a short story called “Mirrorball” by Mary Gaitskill, (quote after the jump), where she discusses the removal of the soul. Which led me to think of “Love Removal Machine” by The Cult, (I always misheard the lyrics to say, “soul stealer” but it is actually “soul shaker”. Oops. Also, I know the 80s shit is hard to deal with unironically, but I love that song.) Which led me to think of how I also always thought that this song, “Naked Cousin” contained the lyrics, “He’s Ronny”, like that was his name, the name of PJ’s cousin, but no, it’s “He’s running”. Oops again. READ MORE >
I have now discovered Livingston Press and like this short story “Real Creamy Ice Cream” from this book called Literature by Catfish Karkowsky. I found out about them from checking out this story “Z and Q” by Krista Madsen at Fiction Circus. (Anyone go to that party last night?)