October 8th, 2012 / 1:09 pm
Behind the Scenes

Reviews Section Update: 25 Points

HTMLGiant is now accepting submissions for a new category of book review. “25 Points” will feature reviews consisting of numbered series: 25 facts and/or opinions about a single work. Tangential list items, variations of length, and other deviations are encouraged. Reviews and queries can be sent to brooks [at] htmlgiant [dot] com.



  1. Alexander J. Allison

      Seems like a really excellent format.

  2. alan

      I don’t know, seems really lazy. You don’t have to write a coherent piece or even connect up your various points, and you can be funny in a formulaic way by simply juxtaposing serious and less-serious items.

  3. Scott Riley Irvine

      Yeah, this could get old fast.

  4. Brooks Sterritt

      You’re talking about Twitter here, right?

  5. Kyle B. Bjorem

      You could get pretty complex with it… in the style of something like Wittgenstein’s Tractatus or Spinoza’s Ethics, etc. If it is a simple list, yeah after a few of them it would be stale.

  6. reynard

      this is just to say those books are sitting on top of each other on the electric piano in my living room

  7. deadgod

      –or about lazily driven-by non-sequiturs: a conventional review, a long novel, or a haiku each could be an incoherent or formulaic piece. No form intrinsically lends itself to disorganization.

      I’m interested in reading what people come up with, along the lines of coherent (or pregnantly fragmentary) ‘bullet point’ reviews.

      The difficulty for me would be: 25 seems like a lot of points. Think of some classic book–one you love but have chewed over somehow, one you know well. –say, Hamlet, or Gatsby. Can you think of 25 separate “points” in interaction even with such rich material? You could write a fine essay on an angle–secrecy in Hamlet, why does Nick call Gatsby “great”?, that kind of thing. But 25 discrete particles of refraction… that’d take some discipline.

      (Of course, one solution is to quote the source–beautiful, powerful passages that – extracted into this context – each makes a kind of “point”.)

      It’s an interesting constraint.