February 8th, 2009 / 2:23 pm

Power Quote from Lisa Yuskavage

I don’ t think there is an uninteresting person alive. It’s just that not everyone has access to themselves,  to the full range of thier emotional life. This is why my work often embarrasses me and why I need it to embarrass me. Being embarrassed allows me to access more surprising pictorial solutions. I don’t know precisely how, but it seems to function as a clarifying agent.



  1. ryan

      that’s a really interesting quote. it’s the kind of thing that makes you want to spend a day re-examining yourself, your work, everything around you.

  2. ryan

      that’s a really interesting quote. it’s the kind of thing that makes you want to spend a day re-examining yourself, your work, everything around you.

  3. Justin Taylor
  4. Justin Taylor
  5. pr

      Glad you liked it. I worship her and her work. I want to put that painting on the cover of my book.

  6. pr

      Justin, of course you like the one with the two girls touching each other you mr. threesome, you.

  7. ryan

      i think it’s safe to say you’d sell a lot of books with a cover like that.

  8. ryan

      i think it’s safe to say you’d sell a lot of books with a cover like that.

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