Thrash Version of Dopesmoker

This, thanks to Htmgiant reader Sasha, is(was) the band Sleep. What I would do to smoke with any one of them. Or all of them.
I have no weed. I like the video (after the jump)- the “Thrash Version of Dopesmoker”. I do like the original version of Dopesmoker better. But art that inspires art, appropriates it, smokes it, humps it, mocks it, loves it, picks its nose– maybe it doesn’t quite make it as special of a thing as the original– but it can still be of interest in its own right. (See threads on Flannery O’Connor and Tim Gautreaux and read about Salinger suing people.) Also, after the jump, are the lyrics to Dopesmoker, or some of them. (And granted, I will listen to the original waay more than the thrash version.) My husband sent the lyrics via email. I have not fact checked them. Is it possible he transcribed them himself, whilst listening to Dopesmoker, over and over again? I don’t know. (I think it could be so- I need to teach him about lyricsmania and all those other sites.) I haven’t seen him in days. Hm.
Drop out of life with bong in hand
Follow the Smoke toward the Riff filled Land
Drop…out of life with bong in hand
Follow the Smoke toward the Riff filled LandSolo One
Proceeds the Weedian – Nazareth
Proceeds the Weedian – NazarethCreedsmen roll out across the dying dawn
Sacred Israel Holy Mountain Zion
Sun beams down on to the Sandsea reigns
Caravan migrates through deep sandscape
Lungsmen unearth the creed of Hasheeshian
Procession of the Weed-Priests to cross the sands
Desert Legion Smoke-Covenant is complete
Herb bails retied on to backs of beasts
Arise arise arise – The Son of the God of Israel
Jordan River flows on evermore
Bathe in glow of sunlight’s beating rays
They feel so lost and burned through our days
Stoner caravan emerge from sandsea
Earthling inserts to chalice the green cutchie
Groundation soul finds trust upon smoking hose
Assembled creedsmen rises prayer-filled smoke
Raise up seer’s Holy Prophecy
Lets down on upon years of the sun now feeds
Seed of Eden fall on the ?? (dont know last word he says maybe 2 words)
Onward caravan prepare new bongWeed-Priests ?? Smol-tent the right (not sure wut comes after priests but its only one word)
Judgement soon come to Mankind
Green Herbsmen serve rightful king
Hemp seed caravan carriesSolo Two
– Break –
The molten fire flowed up toward Zion
Flight of the Nazarene to seek the Cheribum
Rides out believer with the spliff aflame
Marijuanaut escapes earth to cultivateSolo Three
Grow-Room is church temple of the new stoner breed
Chants Loud-Robed priest down on to the freedom seed
Burnt offering redeems – completes smoked deliverance
Caravans’ stoned deliverance
The caravan holds to Eastern Creed – Now smokes believer !
The Chronicle of the SensimillianDrop out of life with bong in hand
Follow the smoke toward the riff-filled land
Drop out of life with bong in hand
Tags: sleep. dopesmoker
sometimes those lyrics sites have the funniest wrong versions of lines or words. i’ve killed plenty of time getting a kick out of that…
sometimes those lyrics sites have the funniest wrong versions of lines or words. i’ve killed plenty of time getting a kick out of that…
Pretty sure I can verify that those are the lyrics. I listened to the 53 minute version of Dopesmoker, Jerusalem, over and over and over again in high school. Wikipedia has elucidates some of the record label drama surrounding the songs for me, and offered an explanation as to why the song was released in two versions. The thrash version is interesting, but ultimately like one of those best-of compilations that doesn’t capture what was so great about the subject in the first place. Sort of makes me want to make a “thrash version” of Ulysees or Gravity’s Rainbow.
Pretty sure I can verify that those are the lyrics. I listened to the 53 minute version of Dopesmoker, Jerusalem, over and over and over again in high school. Wikipedia has elucidates some of the record label drama surrounding the songs for me, and offered an explanation as to why the song was released in two versions. The thrash version is interesting, but ultimately like one of those best-of compilations that doesn’t capture what was so great about the subject in the first place. Sort of makes me want to make a “thrash version” of Ulysees or Gravity’s Rainbow.
Yeah, the thrash version is more or less silly, but it is an act of love, or something and for that I give it respect.
London Records! I read the Wiki on Dopesmoker, too. 2003? I hung out with the London record people in the early/mid 90s- amazing they lasted til 2003 and wonder if they are still around?
Dopesmoker is classic, fantastic shit. I just am having a sad weedfree night, though. ANd is that really Sleep in the pic? What are they doing now?
I usually trust those sites! Maybe I shouldn’t. Just confirmed with the husband- no he did not sit around listening to it over and over again, transcribing it. He got the -admittedly not perfect – lyrics from some site.
A thrash version of Gravity’s Rainbow is an idea that makes me smile is weird ways.
A thrash version of Gravity’s Rainbow is an idea that makes me smile is weird ways.
dopesmoker is the original song and jerusalem was the version that was originally released and it was released as an album with the song broken down into individual tracks and edited and those are pretty much the lyrics.
that’s not sleep.
sleep broke up. the drummer and the bassist/vocalist formed om. the drummer left om recently. the new drummer is from grails. and he fucking blows. sleep played one of the atp’s in europe recently. they played all of the holy mountain and selections from dopesmoker.
and thrash is pretty much as far from stoner metal as you can get. alright not entirely. but i mean. one of them is slowed out riff heavy sabbath worship and one is fucking whatever the fuck you want to call thrash.
alright all i’m saying is that i don’t care for it.
dopesmoker is the original song and jerusalem was the version that was originally released and it was released as an album with the song broken down into individual tracks and edited and those are pretty much the lyrics.
that’s not sleep.
sleep broke up. the drummer and the bassist/vocalist formed om. the drummer left om recently. the new drummer is from grails. and he fucking blows. sleep played one of the atp’s in europe recently. they played all of the holy mountain and selections from dopesmoker.
and thrash is pretty much as far from stoner metal as you can get. alright not entirely. but i mean. one of them is slowed out riff heavy sabbath worship and one is fucking whatever the fuck you want to call thrash.
alright all i’m saying is that i don’t care for it.
that’s sleep.
alright also i’m tired and i completely misread pr’s thing and realize she’s talking about the record company and of course everyone knows sleep broke up whatever. done. quit.
that’s sleep.
alright also i’m tired and i completely misread pr’s thing and realize she’s talking about the record company and of course everyone knows sleep broke up whatever. done. quit.
no worries. my post was stoned even if i sadly. am not. funny about your link- has something to do with High on Fire?–I saw those crazy ass conspiracy lovin motherfuckers at Bowery Ballroom four or so years ago( give me a break, maybe 6? I don’t fuckin know)- and I they were WAY fast. Not thrash, but so not stoner metal. So NOT Sleep. And as I said in my original post, I LOVE Dopesmoker- just posted the thrash thing to riff on the whole Salinger and so on “ripping off” thing.
yeah no. al, the bassist, he does om, and they’re fucking slow and fucking awesome. i don’t give a shit about high on fire. but, i mean, whatever. i don’t give a shit about a lot of things. i do give a shit about om though.
yeah no. al, the bassist, he does om, and they’re fucking slow and fucking awesome. i don’t give a shit about high on fire. but, i mean, whatever. i don’t give a shit about a lot of things. i do give a shit about om though.
the guitarist formed high on fire. is what i have been forgetting to say in these posts all night.
the guitarist formed high on fire. is what i have been forgetting to say in these posts all night.
I say “drop out of life with bong in hand” about once a day, but no one gets my reference :(
I say “drop out of life with bong in hand” about once a day, but no one gets my reference :(
yr spending time with all the wrong people i guess
yr spending time with all the wrong people i guess
maybe yr just not saying it really really slowly. maybe that’s why they don’t get it. how slowly are you saying it?
maybe yr just not saying it really really slowly. maybe that’s why they don’t get it. how slowly are you saying it?
sweet. reminds me of the time someone spiked my weed with crystal meth or crank or something.
sweet. reminds me of the time someone spiked my weed with crystal meth or crank or something.
ha, good point
ha, good point