March 19th, 2009 / 2:46 pm
Haut or not

Haut or not: A Triad


Alan Horn

Alan Horn apparently really wanted us to read the spines, as he included a very high-resolution pic accompanying the ‘regular’ pic. A lot a blood and sex if you ask me (and I’m not talking about the Bible): Psychopathia Sexualis: An [unclear] Forensic Study, Locked Room Murders, Philosophy in the Bedroom, A History of Secret Societies etc. I feel like I’m looking at Jack the Ripper’s bookshelf. ‘Summer Bachelors,’ ‘What is that?’ and ‘Kiss your ass goodbye,’ none of which I know anything about, are amazing titles. This is probably the most interesting bookshelf we’ve seen. I’ve been criticized often for relying too much on penis jokes, so let me just say that Neither Man Nor Woman: The Hijras of India sounds like a castrati — I mean, captivating read.

Rating: [fucking] Haut


Rusty Barnes

Glad to see the Night Train editors so involved with this venture. Rather sexual bunch this edition: Whores, Suburban Pornography — I can’t help but think The Butterfly’s Burden is about the vulva. As for Plowing up a snake, again, I promised no penis jokes. Great to see Barry Graham’s The National Virginity Pledge also. Fulcrum looks interesting though somewhat laborious (what was so bad about issues 4 and 5?) One wonders if the politically provocative Maus and Persopolis are on showcase for conversational fodder at wine parties w/ liberals though. John Cheever is still the big man in town here, so the world is in order.

Rating: [Barely] Haut


Peter Berghoef

Imagine you just had a one-night-stand with Peter; you wake up and this is the first thing you see. You quickly go to the bathroom and spit out hairs. Last night Peter whispered in your ear “I got That Little Something for you” and you said “It’s impolite to talk about your dick.” (God damn it I couldn’t help it.) You know you’ve made it when the State buys your books for their libraries — good job Tao. Manifestoes of Surrealism sounds annoying. The kids of today should defend themselves against the ’30s. Hey, is a manifesting toe from a shoe surrealism? Unfortunately so.

Rating: Not.

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  1. peter b

      I bet tao lin donated that to the library himself

  2. peter b

      I bet tao lin donated that to the library himself

  3. pr

      i like peter b because once he said “fuck people” in a comment and it made me feel better.
      I think he is 28.

  4. mike young

      Rusty’s haut for crown-kinging his stack with The Great Fires

      peter’s stack is good, memoir of the hawk is good, library copy of the dream songs is better than no copy at all, but anything with > 2 books of poetry is for some reason an automatic not

  5. Justin Taylor

      Is Peter doing a research project? That’s an awful lot of Simic & Tate, for the casual browser. Also Dream Songs = GOOD FOR YOU. But in the end I can’t dissent from Jimmy’s vote, since not owning books is totally NOT haut.

  6. mike young

      Rusty’s haut for crown-kinging his stack with The Great Fires

      peter’s stack is good, memoir of the hawk is good, library copy of the dream songs is better than no copy at all, but anything with > 2 books of poetry is for some reason an automatic not

  7. Justin Taylor

      Is Peter doing a research project? That’s an awful lot of Simic & Tate, for the casual browser. Also Dream Songs = GOOD FOR YOU. But in the end I can’t dissent from Jimmy’s vote, since not owning books is totally NOT haut.

  8. pr

      Rusty Barnes is 37? Gosh. That one is tough. He might be 40 like me. Same goes for Mr. Horn.

  9. mike young

      there should be a question mark on the end of my comment so as to voice my skeptical dissent from the theory advanced

  10. mike young

      there should be a question mark on the end of my comment so as to voice my skeptical dissent from the theory advanced

  11. Jimmy Chen

      i admit i’m unfairly biased towards poetry. that’s why i said and will say again: get up in that shit and do a haut or not yourself! i would love to see you write one. they are incoming in html’s gmail acct. ask blake for password…

  12. Jimmy Chen

      i admit i’m unfairly biased towards poetry. that’s why i said and will say again: get up in that shit and do a haut or not yourself! i would love to see you write one. they are incoming in html’s gmail acct. ask blake for password…

  13. mike young

      i know, i am just picking on you.. i still love you. =)

      i feel weird about doing haut or not, and also lazy, two feelings that do a good job justifying each other

  14. mike young

      i know, i am just picking on you.. i still love you. =)

      i feel weird about doing haut or not, and also lazy, two feelings that do a good job justifying each other

  15. Jimmy Chen

      mike i wanna hear you spaz out on that ghetto abrasive weird talk thing you do

  16. Jimmy Chen

      mike i wanna hear you spaz out on that ghetto abrasive weird talk thing you do

  17. Blake Butler

      call me new fashioned, but i’m going to totally dissent on the 2nd two.

      rusty’s stack, if it’s barely anything, it’s barely ‘not’. nothing in there to swill the yum.

      i am going to call jimmy out and say he’s pandering on that one.

      i’m a fan of rusty, but the stack could be better.

      as well, i dig the berghoef. i think using the library is sexy.
      and i like his taste here: it’s not predictable, and has some heat.

  18. Blake Butler

      call me new fashioned, but i’m going to totally dissent on the 2nd two.

      rusty’s stack, if it’s barely anything, it’s barely ‘not’. nothing in there to swill the yum.

      i am going to call jimmy out and say he’s pandering on that one.

      i’m a fan of rusty, but the stack could be better.

      as well, i dig the berghoef. i think using the library is sexy.
      and i like his taste here: it’s not predictable, and has some heat.

  19. Jimmy Chen

      i was on the fence with rusty’s and peter’s. didn’t have the wind of your voice to blow me over the right side.

      i wanna see some butler haut or nots.

  20. Jimmy Chen

      i was on the fence with rusty’s and peter’s. didn’t have the wind of your voice to blow me over the right side.

      i wanna see some butler haut or nots.

  21. Blake Butler

      i love you

  22. Blake Butler

      i love you

  23. Brad Green

      I follow Rusty on Goodreads and I swear he reads a wider variety of work than anyone I’ve ever known. I’m always scribbling down authors I’ve never heard of to check out. Jimmy, if you like a raw and honest poetry, try Rusty’s. He even waxes a little De Sade now and then. His flash collection, Breaking it Down is extremely strong.

      You’ll notice that Cheever supports one entire tottering pile there.

  24. Brad Green

      I follow Rusty on Goodreads and I swear he reads a wider variety of work than anyone I’ve ever known. I’m always scribbling down authors I’ve never heard of to check out. Jimmy, if you like a raw and honest poetry, try Rusty’s. He even waxes a little De Sade now and then. His flash collection, Breaking it Down is extremely strong.

      You’ll notice that Cheever supports one entire tottering pile there.

  25. Matthew Simmons

      Jimmy is haut for his Mike Watt reference.

  26. Matthew Simmons

      Jimmy is haut for his Mike Watt reference.

  27. darby

      Okay, here are my hauts and nots on these, as if I were actually doing these which I am a not.

      Alan Horn

      This is a small shelf. It’s very smallness is like making it be not. Plus any shelf with Catcher placed on top, as in it seems like the most recently read or looked at book, seems a quick not. But there is the Bible. And there are some other books that look old and regal and that I’ve never heard before and want to google them. I think haut means something to me like books that I’ve never heard of that are things I want to have heard of and feel a little jealous about. Alan Horn’s tiny shelf gets a haut and not from me, except probably more not because of the book called Kiss Your Ass Goodbye

      Rusty Barnes

      This is two stacks of books that look to be about two feet high each. There is a lot of Cheever going on. Maybe that makes it haut or not, depending on things. There’s a book I’m noticing, can you see it? called Whores. Hmm. I see In The Devils Territory and maybe he thinks he will get points for that. What the heck is Fulcrum? I am rating this haut for no reason.

      Peter Berghoef

      Here is another tiny stack of ten books. Man of Sur is on my read list and that means nothing. It’s a coincidence. Memoire of the Hawk is on my read list. Another coincidence. It looks like there is a yellow chapbook in there. Is that barry grahams? I don’t know. If so, it’s a coincidence. Coincidentally, there is a lamp in the background that looks like something from my childhood. I think you are getting a not. That is all.

  28. darby

      Okay, here are my hauts and nots on these, as if I were actually doing these which I am a not.

      Alan Horn

      This is a small shelf. It’s very smallness is like making it be not. Plus any shelf with Catcher placed on top, as in it seems like the most recently read or looked at book, seems a quick not. But there is the Bible. And there are some other books that look old and regal and that I’ve never heard before and want to google them. I think haut means something to me like books that I’ve never heard of that are things I want to have heard of and feel a little jealous about. Alan Horn’s tiny shelf gets a haut and not from me, except probably more not because of the book called Kiss Your Ass Goodbye

      Rusty Barnes

      This is two stacks of books that look to be about two feet high each. There is a lot of Cheever going on. Maybe that makes it haut or not, depending on things. There’s a book I’m noticing, can you see it? called Whores. Hmm. I see In The Devils Territory and maybe he thinks he will get points for that. What the heck is Fulcrum? I am rating this haut for no reason.

      Peter Berghoef

      Here is another tiny stack of ten books. Man of Sur is on my read list and that means nothing. It’s a coincidence. Memoire of the Hawk is on my read list. Another coincidence. It looks like there is a yellow chapbook in there. Is that barry grahams? I don’t know. If so, it’s a coincidence. Coincidentally, there is a lamp in the background that looks like something from my childhood. I think you are getting a not. That is all.

  29. ryan

      rusty’s is hawt, if for no other reason that i see one of Marjane Satrapi’s books behind the glass (Persepolis II?)

  30. ryan

      rusty’s is hawt, if for no other reason that i see one of Marjane Satrapi’s books behind the glass (Persepolis II?)

  31. Tim Jones-Yelvington

      Kraft-Ebing + Nanda = someone’s taken Queer Theory

  32. Tim Jones-Yelvington

      Kraft-Ebing + Nanda = someone’s taken Queer Theory

  33. alan horn

      Hey, thanks for the rating. Cool. Yeah, I really wanted you to be able to read the spines. That’s the point here, right?

      “Kraft-Ebing + Nanda = someone’s taken Queer Theory”

      Interesting guess, but, actually, no. They were non-academic purchases. I happen to be interested in South Asian social formations. And I’m a pervert.

  34. alan horn

      Hey, thanks for the rating. Cool. Yeah, I really wanted you to be able to read the spines. That’s the point here, right?

      “Kraft-Ebing + Nanda = someone’s taken Queer Theory”

      Interesting guess, but, actually, no. They were non-academic purchases. I happen to be interested in South Asian social formations. And I’m a pervert.

  35. Rusty

      I figured I’d be honest here. This is the main stack. My collection is more like a stack of stacks.

      I appreciate the cool/uncool points for Persepolis and Maus, but the bookshelf behind it is graphic novels top shelf, then poetry and various chapbooks for the next fifteen feet of shelving.

      Next time, I’m dressing the baby in her Emma Goldman jumper and seating her on a stack of chapbooks. That would be some fineass haut.

  36. Rusty

      I figured I’d be honest here. This is the main stack. My collection is more like a stack of stacks.

      I appreciate the cool/uncool points for Persepolis and Maus, but the bookshelf behind it is graphic novels top shelf, then poetry and various chapbooks for the next fifteen feet of shelving.

      Next time, I’m dressing the baby in her Emma Goldman jumper and seating her on a stack of chapbooks. That would be some fineass haut.

  37. Rusty

      And I should have gotten major haut points for the collected Blackburn. Do you young bucks even read Blackburn? ;-)

      But I won’t pout. Really. I won’t.

  38. Rusty

      And I should have gotten major haut points for the collected Blackburn. Do you young bucks even read Blackburn? ;-)

      But I won’t pout. Really. I won’t.

  39. Penis Growth


  40. Penis Growth
