March 2nd, 2010 / 5:36 pm
Haut or not & Snippets

Macy Halford at The New Yorker Book Bench blog rips off (oh, okay, perhaps we’re talking parallel development here, as they say in the movie business) HTMLGIANT’s Haut or Not feature in a new thing called The Subconscious Bookshelf.  In fairness, the Book Bench feature seems more oriented toward analysis, while HTMLGIANT was just plain old judging you.  Anyway, I think HTMLGIANT readers (and contributors) should submit to The Subconscious Bookshelf…could be very interesting.  What are you waiting for?


  1. Gian


  2. Gian


  3. Edward Champion

      I’ve had ideas, stories, extremely specific journalistic angles, whole sentences, and satirical approaches ripped off by the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Gawker, among numerous others, Get used to it.

  4. Jhon Baker

      If I had a national magazine that needed good ideas to connect with readers while still being able to appear smug – I would have “simultaneously developed” this idea as well.

  5. Edward Champion

      I’ve had ideas, stories, extremely specific journalistic angles, whole sentences, and satirical approaches ripped off by the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Gawker, among numerous others, Get used to it.

  6. Jhon Baker

      If I had a national magazine that needed good ideas to connect with readers while still being able to appear smug – I would have “simultaneously developed” this idea as well.

  7. erin

      oh as if this idea didn’t generate at, which despite its current nonexistence blah blah(‘ed) in the past. and we could look further to pretentious cunts of the real past (‘real past’) as far as ideas go. everyone has the same vocabulary bros!

  8. erin

      oh as if this idea didn’t generate at, which despite its current nonexistence blah blah(‘ed) in the past. and we could look further to pretentious cunts of the real past (‘real past’) as far as ideas go. everyone has the same vocabulary bros!