December 1st, 2008 / 4:14 am
Ryan Call
Mean Monday: Christy Call Talks Shit About(4) Lit Blogs
Here is a piece of our latest gchat about lit blogs:
me: heywe need to dolike a talking shit thingfor tomorrowwhat do you ant to talk shit about?9:41 PM heytalk shit about something!HEYChris: WHAT9:42 PM me: we need to have you talk shit about somethingChris: oh rightmust talk shitabout somethinggive me a topicme: okyour topic islit blogsChris: uh ohi first read little blogsthat was weird9:43 PM so like now i know though you want lit blogsme: yeswe are not communicating very well tonightChris: nowe are communicating brilliantlyme: there is nothing brilliantabout this gchatChris: this conversation is a microcosm for lit blogsme: microcosm?9:44 PM Chris: microorganismme: microgasmthis is dumbwe need to start overChris: microwave itme: stopChris: HAHAHAHAHAYESme: oklit blogstalk shitgoChris: WE NEED TO START OVERAGAINme: we already started over goddamn itChris: like whose lit blogme: i dont know
I want to start over again. I want to go to sleep.
Tags: gchats, lit blogs, shit talk, toothpicks