October 8th, 2008 / 1:32 pm

2 Titles from the new PistolPress

The new indie press PistolPress out of Canada, who earlier this year debuted with their beautiful litmag full of weird lit work, has now announced their first two titles as a press, BUTCHER’S BLOCK by Deanna Fong and WE WILL BE FISH by Jp King.

Both are print books of poetry with covers so nice that they alone make me want to buy the books. And from the quality of the PistolPress issue, I would feel safe doing so even know very little about the authors, as the quality they have exhibited already is quite high.

It’s nice to see new presses of this quality with an obvious eye for art and design, as too often it seems presses are just willing to slop a name and a picture on a book without thinking about the necessity of making a reader cross that bridge on faith.

Publishing: it’s a faith game, it really is, and luckily there are still things to have faith in.

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