September 28th, 2011 / 12:00 pm

Black harbor is featuring a lovely short film about Luca DiPierro’s work. There’s also a great interview with Luca on the Black Harbor website.


  1. Ken Baumann

      YES. Have been waiting for this to go online. Luca is good.

  2. Gian

      Fucking sweet.

  3. Matthew Simmons

      This is grand.

  4. bobby

      I remember pouring over Our Island of Epidemics after reading it, trying to find who was credited for the drawings. Now I know. Thanks for sharing. 

  5. Ethan

      “I identify with the monsters, because I thought they were the saddest characters in the whole story.”

      I feel the same way. This was great. Thanks for posting Roxane.

  6. Sean

      “I was always fascinated by stories of haunted houses, for example. And that’s where I got the idea of giving the house a really grumpy sort of personality…and this house has moments of extreme comprehension and sweetness towards the characters that go in front of her, and sometimes she just tells them to fuck off. There’s this nun who drives a car and bumps into the house and the house says, ‘learn how to drive, you fucking dickhead!'”

      “A pig and a cigarette, I don’t know – I mean, honestly I have seen only a few things that are more beautiful than that one.”


  7. mimi

      “learn to fucking drive, you dickhead”

  8. Roxane

      Luca is credited as the artist on p. 39, just FYI. He also made the gorgeous trailer. I love re-reading OIOE both for the words and images.

  9. John Minichillo

      I love his work. I know I’m not alone in that. This is great, thanks for posting.

  10. Dawn.

      Yes! Thanks for sharing, Roxane. What a great little film. Luca’s work is fucking fantastic.