April 16th, 2010 / 10:23 am

Bathroom Poetics

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  1. emmjae

      That’s cool.Where is this at?Would’nt that be kind of awesome if evryone grafftitied their poetry evrywhere…:)

  2. emmjae

      That’s cool.Where is this at?Would’nt that be kind of awesome if evryone grafftitied their poetry evrywhere…:)

  3. Jhon Baker

      This one is neat. my favorite piece of graffito in bathrooms was – “death is this flesh – a one off garment reeking of boredom.” I didn’t see it personally but read about it in a book, I wanted to see this one personally so at sixteen I wrote it on countless stalls so no one else at the time would be robbed of the experience.

  4. Jhon Baker

      This one is neat. my favorite piece of graffito in bathrooms was – “death is this flesh – a one off garment reeking of boredom.” I didn’t see it personally but read about it in a book, I wanted to see this one personally so at sixteen I wrote it on countless stalls so no one else at the time would be robbed of the experience.

  5. mimi

      I once saw graffitied in a city bus “THIS BUS SUCK”

      Circa presidential election 2004 I saw graffittied “BUSH SHOULD BE LICKED”

  6. mimi

      I once saw graffitied in a city bus “THIS BUS SUCK”

      Circa presidential election 2004 I saw graffittied “BUSH SHOULD BE LICKED”

  7. HTMLGIANT / Deconstruct This

      […] same house guest, I just discovered, was responsible for this bathroom poetics when it said it’s original “SUCK IT.” Tags: bathroom poetics, […]