May 18th, 2010 / 1:39 pm

Friends Lovers Family

From Lapham’s Quarterly, via Chris DeWeese

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  1. Ashli

      They need to put James Woods somewhere on this list. He’s fucked everyone.

  2. amoo

      i’d like to see the same thing, but with ‘enemies,’ etc.

  3. davidpeak

      uh oh. don’t let king wenclas see this. it’s proof of the conspiracy–kevin bacon has been controlling mainstream publishing for 300 years.

  4. Lily Hoang

      Oh this makes me so happy.

  5. ryanchang

      he’s everywhere!

  6. Fail

      Are you trying to say James Wood?

  7. voorface
  8. Jimmy Chen
  9. jereme


  10. Jimmy Chen
  11. Jimmy Chen

      ‘j/k’ bros

  12. jereme


  13. gena

      i’m pretty sure that’s going to be my new desktop background.

  14. ce.

      There is pee in my pants. Thanks, Jimmy.

  15. Blake Butler


  16. Ashli

      No. James Woods. He’s an actor. You know who he is.

  17. Ashli

      They need to put James Woods somewhere on this list. He’s fucked everyone.

  18. amoo

      i’d like to see the same thing, but with ‘enemies,’ etc.

  19. davidpeak

      uh oh. don’t let king wenclas see this. it’s proof of the conspiracy–kevin bacon has been controlling mainstream publishing for 300 years.

  20. lily hoang

      Oh this makes me so happy.

  21. ryan chang

      he’s everywhere!

  22. Fail

      Are you trying to say James Wood?

  23. voorface
  24. Jimmy Chen
  25. jereme


  26. Jimmy Chen
  27. Jimmy Chen

      ‘j/k’ bros

  28. jereme


  29. gena

      i’m pretty sure that’s going to be my new desktop background.

  30. ce.

      There is pee in my pants. Thanks, Jimmy.

  31. Blake Butler


  32. Ashli

      No. James Woods. He’s an actor. You know who he is.

  33. alan

      What I’m getting from this is that Samuel Beckett has a Bacon number of 19.

  34. alan

      What I’m getting from this is that Samuel Beckett has a Bacon number of 19.

  35. Merzmensch

      Alice Liddell and Kevin Bacon look so lonely…

  36. Merzmensch

      Alice Liddell and Kevin Bacon look so lonely…

  37. zusya

      did the A fall out of your name and get sewn back on wrong?

  38. zusya

      according to this chart, ‘Queen Victoria’ has no friends. that’s unfortunate. ly funny. ?.

  39. links for 2010-05-19 « Charlottesville Words

      […] HTMLGIANT / Friends Lovers Family It's a small, small artistic world — with Kevin Bacon in the lower right-hand corner of it. […]

  40. Donald

      friend to the vaccuum

  41. Donald

      friend to the vaccuum

  42. elizabeth

      that. made. my. fucking. day. wow.

      fuck yes.

  43. elizabeth

      that. made. my. fucking. day. wow.

      fuck yes.