November 15th, 2008 / 8:43 pm

Google is the shit: ‘submission manager’

I know lots of people only submit to journals that accept online submissions, which to me is kind of lazy, but who am I to point? Anyway, it can be hard sometimes to find journals that accept electronic submissions, esp. print ones. Even the Duotrope search feature isn’t that useful to me because they have so much junk in the way, it becomes a matter of sifting, and usually I give up.

Anyway, I just figured out that if you google ‘submission manager’, you get a handy list of journals that use that factory-standard and really nice login/upload machine. Doing so, I found a bunch of places I didn’t realize had upgraded.

Doing this leaves out the ones that use other electronic submission forms, such as email and etc., but if you’re looking for ‘big name’ journals and some other randoms, that google listing is pretty handy.

Including: Drunken Boat, Columbia, Ploughshares, AGNI, Pank, American Short Fiction, West Branch, Third Coast, Many Mountains Moving, Poetry, Kenyon Review, Opium, One Story, Boston Review, Indiana Review, Baltimore Review, Blue Earth Review, yadda yadda yadda.

You’re welcome. Lazyass.

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  1. barry

      that cat is why i love cats.

  2. barry

      that cat is why i love cats.

  3. barry

      that cat is why i love cats.

  4. ravi

      lazy psshh…more like environmentally conscious.

  5. ravi

      lazy psshh…more like environmentally conscious.

  6. ravi

      lazy psshh…more like environmentally conscious.

  7. Catherine Lacey
  8. Catherine Lacey
  9. Catherine Lacey
  10. Blake Butler

      saving the world one non-submitted short story at a time?

  11. Blake Butler

      saving the world one non-submitted short story at a time?

  12. Blake Butler

      saving the world one non-submitted short story at a time?

  13. pr

      Hi Barry!

  14. pr

      Hi Barry!

  15. pr

      Hi Barry!

  16. barry

      pr. baby girl. how you been. is that your kitty?

  17. barry

      pr. baby girl. how you been. is that your kitty?

  18. barry

      pr. baby girl. how you been. is that your kitty?

  19. pr

      not my kitty…

  20. pr

      not my kitty…

  21. pr

      not my kitty…

  22. jereme

      still too much work

      i wonder if they make helper midgets or helper monkeys for submission work.

      if not, i might invest

  23. jereme

      still too much work

      i wonder if they make helper midgets or helper monkeys for submission work.

      if not, i might invest

  24. jereme

      still too much work

      i wonder if they make helper midgets or helper monkeys for submission work.

      if not, i might invest