May 17th, 2011 / 2:51 pm

My mom live-texted the James Frey Oprah Interview

5:01 PM: Oprah interviews James Frey again

5:20 PM:  James Frey is such a whiner!

5:23 PM: Although he’s got a little contrite going on now.

5:28 PM: Nope. Whining again.

5:35 PM: Uh oh. He has nothing good to say about memoirists.

5:36 PM: He’s whining again. What’s for supper?

5:58 PM: Oh my! She’s doing a part two of this interview tomorrow! Wow.


  1. Charles

       sometimes I come here to learn something.  sometimes I come here to waste time.  this post is an excellent example of wasting time.  I’m hoping mom will live text tomorrow, maybe you could ask her to double up on the texts.  If she’s not on an unlimited plan I’d be willing to chip in to offset the cost of extra texts.  that is all…

  2. Carolyn DeCarlo

       love this kind of heartwarming bullshit :) why are moms so damn cute?

  3. May May Kaufman

      Wish my mom was this adorable and savy. She still calls texts e-mails and signs all of them “Mom” for fear I won’t know who it is.  

  4. Scott mcclanahan


  5. Anonymous
  6. alexisorgera


  7. Anonymous

  8. Anonymous

  9. Anonymous

  10. Anonymous

  11. Anonymous

  12. Anonymous 

  13. Anonymous