March 25th, 2010 / 6:01 am



This is awesome. Seriously. Watch and be changed a little.



  1. Donald

      Wow, that was incredible. The ideas, the cinematography, the writing… they were all brilliant. Imagine the time it must have taken to get some of those shots right!

  2. Donald

      Wow, that was incredible. The ideas, the cinematography, the writing… they were all brilliant. Imagine the time it must have taken to get some of those shots right!

  3. I. Fontana

      “Monsters begone!” was a memorable moment, but there are surprises everywhere.

  4. I. Fontana

      “Monsters begone!” was a memorable moment, but there are surprises everywhere.

  5. Hank

      Everything Herzog touches turns to gold.

  6. Hank

      Everything Herzog touches turns to gold.

  7. Dreezer

      The director has made several great feature films: Man Push Cart, Chop Shop, and Goodbye Solo.

  8. Dreezer

      The director has made several great feature films: Man Push Cart, Chop Shop, and Goodbye Solo.

  9. Rebecca Loudon

      Surprisingly lovely and moving. Thanks~

  10. Rebecca Loudon

      Surprisingly lovely and moving. Thanks~

  11. Jhon Baker

      this is seriously the best film I’ve seen all year. Thank you HTML Giant – you deserve the link I’ve provided on my page.

  12. Jhon Baker

      this is seriously the best film I’ve seen all year. Thank you HTML Giant – you deserve the link I’ve provided on my page.

  13. reynard

      it’s okay

  14. reynard

      it’s okay

  15. Jimmy Chen

      i have been slightly changed, thank you

  16. Jimmy Chen

      i have been slightly changed, thank you

  17. crispin

      i liked it a lot. felt like it would have been a lot better without the reference to “a hundred million tonnes” for some reason. thanks nick/werner/’whoever the writer/producer/director of film was’

  18. crispin

      i liked it a lot. felt like it would have been a lot better without the reference to “a hundred million tonnes” for some reason. thanks nick/werner/’whoever the writer/producer/director of film was’

  19. mimi

      Anyone else reminded of that Ikea commercial about the sad sad desk lamp put out to the curb?

      Would be interested in seeing these others.

  20. mimi

      Anyone else reminded of that Ikea commercial about the sad sad desk lamp put out to the curb?

      Would be interested in seeing these others.

  21. This Week: More (Mostly Naked) Odd Writer Rituals, Best Bad Metaphors, How to Become a Literary Star | Lit Drift: Storytelling in the 21st Century

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