October 20th, 2009 / 1:52 pm

Mine’s worth ’37.’ What’s yours?


  1. Christopher Higgs

      Although mine has an overall rank of 40, the poetry rank is 27 & the fiction rank is +.

      What does + mean?

      I think it means better than Iowa. So, my conclusion is that mine is worth more than Iowa’s.

      btw…how is it that mine has a rank of 35 in nonfiction when there aren’t even 35 schools offering MFAs in nonfiction to begin with?!

      I call shenanigans on this whole thing.

  2. Christopher Higgs

      Although mine has an overall rank of 40, the poetry rank is 27 & the fiction rank is +.

      What does + mean?

      I think it means better than Iowa. So, my conclusion is that mine is worth more than Iowa’s.

      btw…how is it that mine has a rank of 35 in nonfiction when there aren’t even 35 schools offering MFAs in nonfiction to begin with?!

      I call shenanigans on this whole thing.

  3. Richard

      They didn’t do low-res, so I’ll just say N/A. But Seth is a good guy, and has posted up a lot of valuable information over the years in regards to MFA programs, INCLUDING low-res.

  4. Richard

      They didn’t do low-res, so I’ll just say N/A. But Seth is a good guy, and has posted up a lot of valuable information over the years in regards to MFA programs, INCLUDING low-res.

  5. Reb

      It’s a dick measuring contest. Someone can rank the length and circumferences of all the dicks in the world, but that doesn’t let anyone know who they’d be most happy fucking.

  6. Reb

      It’s a dick measuring contest. Someone can rank the length and circumferences of all the dicks in the world, but that doesn’t let anyone know who they’d be most happy fucking.

  7. Blake Butler

      love reb

  8. Blake Butler

      love reb

  9. sean

      33 baby!

  10. sean

      33 baby!

  11. sean

      Fuck Iowa

  12. sean

      Fuck Iowa

  13. daniel bailey

      29. i want to go to whatever school is 69. why doesn’t the list go that high?

  14. daniel bailey

      29. i want to go to whatever school is 69. why doesn’t the list go that high?

  15. Rion

      What a coincidence, mine’s 37 too!

  16. Rion

      What a coincidence, mine’s 37 too!

  17. Ryan Call

      the list goes to 88, you just have to click to see the loser programs

  18. Ryan Call

      the list goes to 88, you just have to click to see the loser programs

  19. davidpeak

      reppin’ #63 and proud

  20. davidpeak

      reppin’ #63 and proud

  21. sean

      fuck e books.

  22. sean

      fuck e books.

  23. Ryan Call

      mine’s #17 in this one.

  24. Adam R


  25. Ryan Call

      mine’s #17 in this one.

  26. Adam R


  27. davidpeak

      there should be up and down arrows for whose moving, like on billboard charts

  28. davidpeak

      there should be up and down arrows for whose moving, like on billboard charts

  29. Rawbbie

      i go to 69! I’m sort of depressed about being so low on the list… but the sex is nice…

      But really I like my school and I don’t have superstar teachers (Robert Bozwell and Connie Voisine are as big they get) or anything but all of the profs are great teachers. I like the town and the colleagues quite a bit too.

      Anybody want to trash talk their profs?

  30. Rawbbie

      i go to 69! I’m sort of depressed about being so low on the list… but the sex is nice…

      But really I like my school and I don’t have superstar teachers (Robert Bozwell and Connie Voisine are as big they get) or anything but all of the profs are great teachers. I like the town and the colleagues quite a bit too.

      Anybody want to trash talk their profs?

  31. cari

      15. But #13 for fiction, so I’ll claim a conditional 13.

      I feel so validated.

  32. cari

      15. But #13 for fiction, so I’ll claim a conditional 13.

      I feel so validated.

  33. BAC

      Dead last on the long list! And prouder than a mutherfucker.

  34. BAC

      Dead last on the long list! And prouder than a mutherfucker.

  35. Mr. Wonderful

      Yes, but I’m too embarrassed to even say what school I go to.

  36. Mr. Wonderful

      Yes, but I’m too embarrassed to even say what school I go to.

  37. sasha fletcher

      22. 38 for poetry.

  38. sasha fletcher

      but i’m probably paying more than all of you. and some of you combined. so. suck on that.

  39. sasha fletcher

      22. 38 for poetry.

  40. sasha fletcher

      but i’m probably paying more than all of you. and some of you combined. so. suck on that.

  41. Xian

      29. Tied with Ft. Collins. Who teaches there? I’m surprised with the huge disparity with the poetry and fiction rankings at my school.

  42. Xian

      29. Tied with Ft. Collins. Who teaches there? I’m surprised with the huge disparity with the poetry and fiction rankings at my school.

  43. Merzmensch

      Mine is in Germany…

  44. Merzmensch

      Mine is in Germany…

  45. +!O0o(o)o0O!+


  46. +!O0o(o)o0O!+


  47. daniel bailey

      at csu we have dan beachy-quick, sasha steenson, and matthew cooperman for poetry. leslie becker, and i can’t remember who else for fiction.

  48. daniel bailey

      at csu we have dan beachy-quick, sasha steenson, and matthew cooperman for poetry. leslie becker, and i can’t remember who else for fiction.