December 15th, 2009 / 1:40 pm

Just saw that I. Fontana has a short piece in the new online issue of PANK.  (So does HTMLGiant regular Reynard Seifert–nice.)  Last month I loved Fontana’s much longer story “What the Matter Is” on Spork.


  1. bruiser brody

      really cool post, nick, thanks. both fontana pieces are fantastic. more and more i’m starting to gravitate towards fiction that includes historical fiction. sheldon compton really melds the two well. and jarrid deaton’s upcoming story in thirst for fire about ota benga is amazing.

  2. bruiser brody

      really cool post, nick, thanks. both fontana pieces are fantastic. more and more i’m starting to gravitate towards fiction that includes historical fiction. sheldon compton really melds the two well. and jarrid deaton’s upcoming story in thirst for fire about ota benga is amazing.

  3. reynard

      thanks nick! that I. Fontana piece is phuckin phenomenal.

  4. reynard

      thanks nick! that I. Fontana piece is phuckin phenomenal.