August 30th, 2012 / 11:34 am

Every once in a while, a writer steps out of their word cave and takes to social media to behave badly. Emily Giffin, her husband, and her assistant, recently all behaved in inexplicable ways across Facebook and Amazon. It’s really as hilarious as it is sad (h/t Jessa Crispin).


  1. Quincy Rhoads

      It turns my stomach to think that people are not allowed to voice their true opinions about art for fear of internet fanboys (and -girls). I feel that unfettered criticism is a vital thing.
      Is this, in essence, much different than The Internet’s attack on Anita Sarkeesian?

  2. deadgod


      Thanx for publicizing this bad behavior in the context of your stern yet compassionate disapproval of it.

  3. Kyle B. Bjorem

      Just another example of a celebrity not having a grasp on what social media is and how it differs from the contrived/staged “old” media. Hopefully social media continues in this way but I can see it easily being co-opted into just another branch of the “old” media.

  4. Shannon

      Every time I watch this happen I cringe.

  5. Adam Robinson

      I’m not sure I agree with the author changing her review from 4-stars to 1, though. I would have just deleted the review and shittalked another way.

  6. Michael Fischer

      It’s what happens when book criticism and actual book critics are replaced by (creative) writers on the anti-intellectual Internet–a breeding ground for laziness– who rewrite the rules and conventions on the side and don’t know anything about criticism or its history and/or conventions. It’s the same reason why the average (creative) writer today can’t write a formal book review without sounding like a 10th grader turning in a flowery book report.

  7. Quincy Rhoads

      I suppose I was under the impression that all criticism was creative. So you’re saying that it’s not that way?

  8. Guest

      Not at all–criticism is a unique art form, just like fiction or poetry. I just used “creative” to indicate writers of fiction, poetry, and creative-non fiction (creative as its commonly referred to today) who think they have some innate ability to write criticism because they write fiction, poetry, or creative non-fiction.