daniel spinks

i am being honest

I recently read Matthew Savoca’s, i am being honest, over at bearcreekfeed. I’ve been enamoured with this site since its first story by Kim Chinquee. Editor Colin Bassett has yet to leave me feeling anything but happily morose and disheartened.

i am being honest has this tender sensibility about domestic life, but it’s still very dour and a little sad. It reminded me of small pale humans, by daniel spinks. They both have this way of displaying the repetitive quality of relationships that is comforting but ultimately depressing as hell. I would like to marry either of these writers, but after reading their lovely work, it suddenly seems like a bad idea. 

Here is Matthew reading the last (and my favorite) poem of the book. He talks in a funny voice, and I like it.

Author Spotlight / 1 Comment
October 2nd, 2008 / 5:36 pm