Diamanda Galas
I’m watching a very dumb movie called Doomsday. I ran three and a half miles today, only the second time since I was very sick. My fucking throat still hurts – I keep thinking I’ll be all better, but no. One of my cats peed blood yesterday. God help me. This dumb ass movie is making me think of Diamanda. After the jump are two videos from the one and only Diamanda Galas. I saw her perform at The Kitchen in NYC when I was in my early twenties. She hurt my mind in the very best way. Shortly thereafter, I was a twenty-something waitress when she came into Orson’s on my lunch shift with great regularity. She was the most polite, grateful and truly sweet and joyful customer. God bless. I never let on that I worshipped her ass, or saw her perform. I am different now. Now I say, “Hey I LOVE you!” I am not cool anymore. What a fucking relief. Here are a couple of crazy ass videos: READ MORE >