Gina Meyers

There’s a new issue of Bookslut up. As usual, it’s action-packed with features and interviews, but I’d like to draw your attention to three non-fiction reviews of books I didn’t know existed and am very pleased to have been made aware of. Interestingly, all three books are written by women, all three are reviewed by women, and all three have subtitles. Here they are: (1) Slanted and Enchanted: The Evolution of Indie Culture by Kaya Oakes, reviewed by Gina Meyers. (2) I’m Perfect, You’re Doomed: Tales from a Jehovah’s Witness Upbringing by Kyria Abrahams, reviewed by Kate Munning. (3) The Importance of Being Iceland: Travel Essays in Art by Eileen Myles, reviewed by Elizabeth Bachner.

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