
Rate Your Writers’ Teaching Ability

ratemyprofessorsWell my semester has just begun, which means I’m getting emails from students trying to add my class. Many of these students and others probably check out RateMyProfessors as they try to make decisions regarding in what section they’ll enroll.

We all know how RateMyProfessors works: students anonymously rate their university instructors on a five point scale, and then type up a few sentences of comments, which can often be unintentionally hilarious. Also, anonymous raters assign chili peppers to their instructors to denote ‘hotness,’ so there’s that weird physical evaluation too.

What we might not know is that some of the very authors we’ve read, such as Evenson, Lutz, and so on, appear on RateMyProfessors, having taught at one point or another in their ‘literary career.’ I’ve gathered a handful here (as many as I could think to look for) and inserted some smarmy comments; if you know of others to link to, do so in the thread and I’ll try to add them to the post.

(Is it ‘okay’ to post these? Am I breaking some code of conduct here? I have no idea. Apologies in advance.)

What I do know is I love to gossip.

Read and click through the excerpts/list after the break.


Author News / 43 Comments
August 25th, 2009 / 2:23 pm