the national virginity pledge

Barry Graham is a Writer I’d Like to Fuck

Barry Graham is a writer I’d like to fuck. Now, we all know that here, so why bother, you ask? Because I want to fuck him, man! And he’s a writer!!! And I invented the WILF! It is probably the only good thing I have ever invented! So, Graham’s excellent collection of stories, The National Virginity Pledge, just published by the independent press Another Sky Press, should be on everyone’s shelf. (Above the bed shelf is my spot for it). The collection features work that originally appeared in Storyglossia, Hobart, Wigleaf and many other journals. (Lots of links here, people. Check it.) It consists of short shorts and longer, more traditional short stories, but all represent Graham’s rich vision of the complexity of sorrow and humor in life. Here is “Parable of the Dead Rolling Snowball”:


Author Spotlight & Presses / 42 Comments
February 5th, 2009 / 9:19 pm