March 17th, 2009 / 8:14 pm
Author Spotlight

In Ten Senses


Next time you have an hour, go listen to poet (and officially recognized by a Seattle alt-weekly, genius) Heather McHugh deliver a lecture on art called “In Ten Senses: Some Sentences About Art’s Senses and Intents.”

Go out and look for her work, too. Don’t be fooled by McHugh’s obvious affection for the sounds of words and their multiple meanings. She is much more than merely clever. She has a dark, comic sensibility, too, but is not simply a creator of black comedy. McHugh’s got levels to her.

An e-poem by McHugh.

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  1. pr

      Matthew! Thanks for telling me about something new.

  2. pr

      new to me…

  3. Ken Baumann

      And to me.

  4. Ken Baumann

      And to me.