April 6th, 2012 / 7:56 pm
Author Spotlight


These samples are from an ongoing series of Internet based digital videos. These seemingly infinite looping videos articulate the Internet as space of viewership that is increasingly becoming a platform to represent, archive, and reproduce the real. The content within these digital tableaus are based from the contents within drawings I create before documenting/repurposing them into the aforesaid videos. There is no physical (institutionalized) space that is designated for exhibition exclusivity for this body of work, as they may be viewed anywhere the Internet or a computer is available.

[Click images to view]

*Finite_Skin uses a zoom user interface which allows a viewer to explore the details of the drawing.


  1. postitbreakup


  2. postitbreakup

      how do i get the zoom interface thing to work

  3. Mitch P.


      You should just be able to put your cursor over the image of the drawing in the video and double click on it to zoom in – click and drag to move the image around once you’ve zoomed in, there’s also interface controls at the bottom of the frame as well.


  4. postitbreakup

      I still can’t get it to work in Chrome, but when I downloaded it worked a little better. Anyway, these are very cool, what a neat idea. Look forward to seeing more.

  5. Mitch P.

      Some of them do take a minute to load, anywhere between 1-3 minutes (depending on your connection speed). I’m starting to implement pre-loader bars to the newer ones, and as always you can download them and open in most web browsers. 

  6. Vomithelmet McGee

      efffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff this is so much cooler than I realised it was back in the day

  7. Vomithelmet McGee

      than I expected at a glance

  8. Vomithelmet McGee

       I really love this actually and feel stupid for not giving it time to load before. ok I’ve made my point ahaha

  9. Vomithelmet McGee

       No I haven’t! Everyone should look at this!