September 6th, 2010 / 11:30 am
Author Spotlight

Let’s all Wish Joshua Cohen an 800-page 30th Birthday

Today’s the day for Joshua Cohen, frequent target of this blog’s affection and voice of his generation for all those whom Tao Lin is not already providing a voice. So, how are you going to celebrate thirty years of the Tribe of One? As always, this blog recommends that you mark the existence of writers whose existence you are glad for by buying their books.

Witz is 20% off if you buy direct from Dalkey Archive. (Read Drew Toal’s Time Out New York review, and a snippet from Blake Butler’s in The Believer). A Heaven of Others is available new, used and Kindled at Amazon. You can get Witz there too, obviously, so if you want both you can probably score free shipping. And once the shipping’s free, why not pump those savings into Cadenza for the Schneidermann Violin Concerto? The trifecta is very much in the spirit of thirtytude. Here’s me and Kyle Minor in conversation re A Heaven of Others at The Rumpus. Here’s Cohen himself answering Stray Questions at the Paper Cuts blog. Oh, and don’t miss Christian Lorentzen’s profile in the New York Observer.

From Yuri, Stoya, and all of us at HTMLGiant–Happy Birthday!

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  1. Charles Dodd White

      I just placed my order with Dalkey Archive. I’m really excited about this book. Thanks for the reminder, Justin.

  2. zusya

      ‘if you repeat a lie many times, people are bound to start believing it’. mazel tov.

  3. mimi

      HTMLGIANT used to be about the occasional cute puppy pic. These days seems like it’s all about the baked goods.

      Sooooooo much to read. Cohen tomes on the list. I’m feeling overwhelmed!

  4. Lincoln


  5. Ted

      If you repeat anything too many times, people are bound to get pissed.

  6. Charles Dodd White

      I just placed my order with Dalkey Archive. I’m really excited about this book. Thanks for the reminder, Justin.

  7. mimi

      HTMLGIANT used to be about the occasional cute puppy pic. These days seems like it’s all about the baked goods.

      Sooooooo much to read. Cohen tomes on the list. I’m feeling overwhelmed!

  8. Lincoln


  9. Scooby

      Stoya is a shitty pornstar

  10. Ted

      If you repeat anything too many times, people are bound to get pissed.

  11. Em

      That cake! I want to go to there.

  12. zusya

      i thought that’s what i just implied. i’m feelin’ pretty crabby.

  13. Scooby

      Stoya is a shitty pornstar

  14. Em

      That cake! I want to go to there.

  15. Gilders

      Happy birthday to Joshua (“Cadenza…” has become one of my all-time faves). The review he wrote in Bookforum about “Richard Yates” was very enjoyable. And the first two comments on his review are remarkable for the fact that you could have predicted them, with prob. 95% accuracy, during the reading of the review. People will fight (to the death?) for Tao Lin, it seems.

  16. Gilders

      Happy birthday to Joshua (“Cadenza…” has become one of my all-time faves). The review he wrote in Bookforum about “Richard Yates” was very enjoyable. And the first two comments on his review are remarkable for the fact that you could have predicted them, with prob. 95% accuracy, during the reading of the review. People will fight (to the death?) for Tao Lin, it seems.