January 9th, 2010 / 7:24 pm
Author Spotlight

Lucy Corin Glow

This is my day in the sun and I’ve got my arms in the air, my head tipped back like the hinged lid of a lighter. Contrary to popular belief, I am not alone. Everyone’s listening. All I see is the bulging gas above me and I’m shooting my mind at it. I’m as close to God as I’ll ever be. The people are tiny. They’re buckshot around my ankles. I could kneel and run my fingers through them.

Lucy Corin, from The Entire Predicament.

Everyone says Lucy Corin creates worlds, so I am going to pass on that one. Lucy Corin creates Cornish hens, light yet succulent on the gray tongue of my brain. That’s better than worlds. It might be metaphor, magic realism, or everyday life, I will let you decide. Corin has this light touch, this light touch with her prose. It is mysterious like Japanese dolls. I like it.

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  1. Blake Butler

      can’t wait to read this. Lucy Corin is a badass

  2. Blake Butler

      can’t wait to read this. Lucy Corin is a badass

  3. jensen

      This collection is amazing.

  4. jensen

      This collection is amazing.

  5. david

      is that jimmy chen?

  6. david

      is that jimmy chen?

  7. Tim Ramick

      Lucy Corin is worth many looks—everything she touches with words becomes almost phosphorescent. Her lapidary “apocalypses” collection is coming our way (hopefully soon)…

  8. Tim Ramick

      Lucy Corin is worth many looks—everything she touches with words becomes almost phosphorescent. Her lapidary “apocalypses” collection is coming our way (hopefully soon)…

  9. Shannon Cain

      Birth did it to him, squished his bendy bones through the yawn of of his mother’s pelvis and left him floppy. In one open moment his skin felt the white air. The world was loud. It gushed, prismatic, cold, sharp, dry and gaspingly empty.

      From “Baby in a Body Cast”

      The Entire Predicament. Ah, go get this book!

  10. Shannon Cain

      Birth did it to him, squished his bendy bones through the yawn of of his mother’s pelvis and left him floppy. In one open moment his skin felt the white air. The world was loud. It gushed, prismatic, cold, sharp, dry and gaspingly empty.

      From “Baby in a Body Cast”

      The Entire Predicament. Ah, go get this book!

  11. jensen

      yes. she’s wonderful. The Entire Predicament was one my favorite reads last year. I love the apocalypse pieces I’ve read, too (we published a few in Hobart last Oct http://www.hobartpulp.com/website/october/corin.html). Seeing all of them in a book would be a splendid thing.

  12. jensen

      yes. she’s wonderful. The Entire Predicament was one my favorite reads last year. I love the apocalypse pieces I’ve read, too (we published a few in Hobart last Oct http://www.hobartpulp.com/website/october/corin.html). Seeing all of them in a book would be a splendid thing.

  13. jensen
  14. jensen