October 29th, 2008 / 11:16 am
Author Spotlight & Web Hype

The Ultimate Game Guide to Your Life®

So, to let my secret yet rabid fanboyism spill forth like the frothy annoying bad-smelling liquid it is, I am ordering everyone who visits this site to buy Christopher Monks’ new book THE ULTIMATE GAME GUIDE TO YOUR LIFE®. I got it in the mail Monday, and it’s entertaining as fuck.

If you’re ever looked at a video game guide, and wondered if someone could write the same thing for your life, and you’re a white male living in America, without cystic fibrosis, this is the fruition of that idea. The book is even better than I imagined that one time I was in line at Gamestop buying the guide for Metroid Prime with my mother’s credit card. Also, not as depressing.

Today is the “Order My Book Extravaganza!” and if you’ve got the Alexander Hamilton to blow, it’s easily worth the money. You’ll like the book way more than Alexander Hamilton. Unless you’re a Federalist. And in that case, fuck you. No way. No how. No Hamilton.

Go here to order.

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  1. Ryan Call

      some of the testimonials are hilarious:

      “I ordered this book sight unseen last week for my brother who got married, became a father, and is getting divorced all at the age of 23 and he says of this opus. ‘The writer has a good sense of humor.’”
      – Ken V.

  2. Ryan Call

      some of the testimonials are hilarious:

      “I ordered this book sight unseen last week for my brother who got married, became a father, and is getting divorced all at the age of 23 and he says of this opus. ‘The writer has a good sense of humor.’”
      – Ken V.

  3. Jimmy Chen

      Monks edits McSweeneys.net, always very nice about rejections, has a good eye for funny vs. sorta funny. his ‘trash talking’ to animals series is freaking hilarious.

  4. Jimmy Chen

      Monks edits McSweeneys.net, always very nice about rejections, has a good eye for funny vs. sorta funny. his ‘trash talking’ to animals series is freaking hilarious.

  5. Blake Butler

      the first time i looked i thought you were talking about christopher moore and i was like ‘gene is a real motherfucker’ and i meant it in a good way

      chris monks is cool too

  6. Blake Butler

      the first time i looked i thought you were talking about christopher moore and i was like ‘gene is a real motherfucker’ and i meant it in a good way

      chris monks is cool too

  7. Blake Butler

      this book looks quite kick ass

  8. Blake Butler

      this book looks quite kick ass

  9. Gene Morgan

      It’s really good.

      There are all sorts of “hints” and “mini-games” on every page, so it’s something you can go back to easily after you’ve finished.

  10. Gene Morgan

      It’s really good.

      There are all sorts of “hints” and “mini-games” on every page, so it’s something you can go back to easily after you’ve finished.

  11. Justin Taylor

      I fucking hate Alexander Hamilton. He’s the first great villain of American history.

  12. Justin Taylor

      I fucking hate Alexander Hamilton. He’s the first great villain of American history.

  13. Gene Morgan

      I changed the second to last sentence of my post to reflect my feelings about Hamilton.

      Aaron Burr did us all a favor.

  14. Gene Morgan

      I changed the second to last sentence of my post to reflect my feelings about Hamilton.

      Aaron Burr did us all a favor.

  15. Justin Taylor

      My only criticism of Burr is that he shot 30 years too late.

  16. Justin Taylor

      My only criticism of Burr is that he shot 30 years too late.

  17. Jimmy Chen
  18. Jimmy Chen
  19. matthew


  20. matthew


  21. barry

      good stuff in yankee pot roast. i like this:

      “When Kate refuses to invite you into her house after you’ve taken her out to dinner at her favorite restaurant, say to your child that Daddy is just grumpy because he was hoping to see Kate’s system for recycling.”

      fuck hamilton. i think i’ll swap him for the book.

      i dont know if you guys like any of the stuff rose metal puts out but they just released a new flash collection and it looks bad ass, here’s the blurb:

      “Set on the margins of Seattle, beneath bridges and on the banks of waterways, in strip clubs and flooded farmland, the prose poems in TINDERBOX LAWN illuminate the intersection of domesticity and bohemia. Each untitled block of prose constitutes a novel-in-miniature. The intensity of Carol Guess’s poems builds through lyrical language and recurring images.”

      sounds pretty good.

  22. barry

      good stuff in yankee pot roast. i like this:

      “When Kate refuses to invite you into her house after you’ve taken her out to dinner at her favorite restaurant, say to your child that Daddy is just grumpy because he was hoping to see Kate’s system for recycling.”

      fuck hamilton. i think i’ll swap him for the book.

      i dont know if you guys like any of the stuff rose metal puts out but they just released a new flash collection and it looks bad ass, here’s the blurb:

      “Set on the margins of Seattle, beneath bridges and on the banks of waterways, in strip clubs and flooded farmland, the prose poems in TINDERBOX LAWN illuminate the intersection of domesticity and bohemia. Each untitled block of prose constitutes a novel-in-miniature. The intensity of Carol Guess’s poems builds through lyrical language and recurring images.”

      sounds pretty good.

  23. prathna
