September 16th, 2010 / 10:57 am
Author Spotlight

Troyan, Cassandra & Cody. Big Bill and the Lonely Nation (2010)

cover art by Sara Drake

The chapbook itself includes:

-eenui! -anti-nationalism! -apocalypse theory! -aristocrats (not cats)! -slime! -culture! -thomas jefferson! -french dames! -ostriches! -insomnia! -papsmearz! -drunkenness! -sea turtles! -humping! -circle-jerks! -cheeseburgers! -desperation! -outsourcing! -federally-funded infrastructure! -10 year-old girls! -consumerism! -capitalism! -minimalism! -maximalism! -marx(imal)ism!

Official release date, September 17th, 2010
Only $4
Pre-order your copy now!

The release of the chapbook is also the beginning of a reading series called EAR EATER that will happen at Cassandra’s apartment and other spaces in Chicago throughout the year.


  1. stephen

      i am excited about this. also, that’s a sweet cover

  2. stephen

      i am excited about this. also, that’s a sweet cover

  3. Robert

      i have been anticipating this for a substantial amount of time.

  4. steve roggenbuck

      yeah it is sweet

  5. Robert

      i have been anticipating this for a substantial amount of time.

  6. steve roggenbuck

      yeah it is sweet

  7. James Payne

      You mean Beyonce.