August 23rd, 2011 / 4:27 pm
Author Spotlight

Two Videos

No Perch does readings in unusual places. Here, Amelia Gray reads from Threats on a moped. (That video quality? How on earth?)

Mule & Pear is a new book of poetry by Rachel Eliza Griffiths and has a book trailer I really love which is saying something because I do not care for book trailers.

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  1. karl taro

      but that’s not a moped. that’s a scooter! a moped would have been better

  2. Darby Larson

      no perch is gold

  3. Leapsloth14

      Sort of in love (already was) with Gray after this wack vid. Wow.

  4. Cassandra Troyan

      Exactly. As if I weren’t already in love.

  5. Tummler

      I’ve never been more attracted to/afraid of Amelia Gray.

  6. Jake

      Amelia Gray is the real deal.  Great poem too!  She’s the chick I’d switch for!

  7. Gillian

      trailers for poetry… wow.  I don’t know.

  8. Anonymous


  9. MS, trainbound

      Amelia Gray will end you.

      End you.

  10. Anonymous

  11. Anonymous
  12. Thursday Treat: Links I’m loving 8/25/2011 « Limited Edition Love

      […] Gay provides two videos: an unusual poetry reading and a book […]