November 22nd, 2008 / 2:23 pm
Author Spotlight

talented person makes things that are swell

I just read this post on io9 about Thomas Allen, who is an apparently awesome photographer (though that doesn’t really do justice to the amount of craft that goes into making the things he ultimately photographs) about whom I knew nothing until just now. 

io9 has a small gallery of his work attached to their post, and there’s another (where I’ve been pinching these images from) at the Aperture Foundation page for for his book, Uncovered. 

Oh and he has a blog too.

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  1. Nick

      Chip Kidd used Allen’s work for the covers of some James Ellroy novels, I think. That’s three people who are awesome at what they do.

  2. Nick

      Chip Kidd used Allen’s work for the covers of some James Ellroy novels, I think. That’s three people who are awesome at what they do.

  3. Justin Taylor

      Yeah, Kidd wrote the foreword to Allen’s book. Must be a fan. And with good reason.

  4. Justin Taylor

      Yeah, Kidd wrote the foreword to Allen’s book. Must be a fan. And with good reason.

  5. barry

      i typed sam pink in the facebok search and sam pink did not pop up…. however i got the profile of a writer i do know……….. hmmmmmmmm.

  6. barry

      i typed sam pink in the facebok search and sam pink did not pop up…. however i got the profile of a writer i do know……….. hmmmmmmmm.

  7. Ryan Call

      these are very cool

  8. Ryan Call

      these are very cool