July 28th, 2009 / 2:24 pm
Mary Miller
John Brandon
Leni Zumas
Kevin Wilson
Ryan Dilbert
Suzanna Best
Krammer Abrahams
Savannah Louise
Isadora Bey
Ben Segal
Howie Good
Meg Pokrass
Phil Estes
Jimmy Chen
& Hastings Hensel
a comic by Kent Osborne
interviews with filmmakers Ross McElwee,
Matt Wolf, and Matthew Robison
art by Len Clark and Josh Burwell
July 27th, 2009 / 3:26 am
there is a new dispatch lit review up here featuring three stories by amelia gray. amelia gray is reading in chicago this saturday i think at the book cellar. come see people wearing cute glasses and tight jeans and shit.
a man named court merrigan emailed me a few days ago and asked me to comment on his blog, in a post about twitter, because he knew i had started a twitter website where made up accounts are maintained. i am interested in what other people think. i am not trying to get an argument going or whatever, i just think it would interest me to hear from other people. the tone of the comments seems to change by the last one and i don’t know why people get so defensive. but whatever, i am interested in hearing from other people. here is the article and the comment thread that followed is after the break.
July 16th, 2009 / 6:39 pm
what are your editing methods. and how many times do you usually edit something. is it better to edit something when you are angry. do you ever print shit up really small and then look at it. have you ever printed up something then sat int the woods with it. how do you know you are not ruining something. does anyone else like champagne mango as much as this kid does. (“this kid” is me). have you ever looked back on an earlier version and been like, “hell naw, this was better.” do you ever just add more sentences by looking at random words that have occurred in the piece and then rearranging them. does editing prove that there is no standard english. can anyone but the writer edit a piece of writing. how do you get the diamond sword in zelda. and how many people will feel this post is dumb and then try to compensate for their own low self esteem by demeaning it or those who comment on it. questions.
July 9th, 2009 / 12:10 am