November 7th, 2008 / 4:16 pm
Blind Items

Underland Press, Blind Items

One: Blake mentioned the Brian Evenson interview on the Underland Press site. On the Extras page, you will find a really nice, beautifully brutal piece of fiction by Our Fearless Editing Leader.


Two: I would like to reboot my Blind Items feature. Please send indie/literary rumors, news, innuendo, and suggestions to giantblinditems at gmail dot com.

Anything, really. Send it on and I’ll consider spreading it.

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  1. Blake Butler

      thanks M
      everyone should read M’s story on Underland too, it is new

      matt you should just start saying X is sleeping with X, get some babbles going

  2. Blake Butler

      thanks M
      everyone should read M’s story on Underland too, it is new

      matt you should just start saying X is sleeping with X, get some babbles going