July 2nd, 2010 / 2:05 pm

Walking Contest

The winner of the Ten Walks/Two Talks who-has-walked-the-farthest contest is Michael the Girl’s father. Other people might have walked farther than his 50 puking miles, and some people might have walked in hillier terrain, or in a sooty 9-11 city, but Michael the Girl’s father is the only person who was nominated by someone else. And also, he still walks 10 miles a day. He’s probably walking now, dang.

Michael the Girl’s father wins a copy of Ten Walks/Two Talks, courtesy of Jon Cotner and Andy Fitch. Michael the Girl, contact me at adam at publishinggenius dot com and off we go!



  1. Jon Cotner

      May we all learn from Michael the Girl’s father. If I see him walk past my building I’ll offer a second copy. He could use the two books as walking weights.

  2. Jon Cotner

      May we all learn from Michael the Girl’s father. If I see him walk past my building I’ll offer a second copy. He could use the two books as walking weights.