December 29th, 2009 / 3:51 pm
Craft Notes

Dee Dee Ramone on Writing

Dee Dee Ramone was the first man with a woman’s name to be like, “Fuck your necktie and your mom’s gurney.” Dee Dee Ramone had the impact of keeping hand grenades in your car’s cup holders. The man was a retaining wall and a fuck-load cooler than we. He was so beautiful he had to kill that beauty, as we know the world must work. Or not work.

“I have no doubts in my mind where my loyalties are. They’re with myself. I’m all I’ve got.”

“I like dragons so much that I tried to look for one outside the window of the plane that I’m in now.”

“My only degree is in streetology.”

“Today I was wondering what God was going to do with me now.”

“I’m not a punk, skin, Nazi, or snob. I’m defiant. I’m angry. You made me that way. So fuck you all.”

“Dragons…Imagine one flying over one of the meadows, high above New York City’s Central Park, one crowded Sunday afternoon.”

“We all paid a price for it. It was a lot.”

“I can’t rap too well.”

“I would like to thank myself, and congratulate myself, and if I could, I would pat myself on the back.”

“I spotted a dragon immediately.”

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  1. Blake Butler

      is Dee Dee Ramone Charles Bukowski?

  2. Blake Butler

      is Dee Dee Ramone Charles Bukowski?

  3. Stu

      I got my degree in streetology BECAUSE of Dee Dee.

  4. Stu

      I got my degree in streetology BECAUSE of Dee Dee.

  5. Sean


  6. Sean


  7. jason diamond
  8. jason diamond
  9. Bites: My Chemical Goethmance, Talking About Eggers One Last Time in ‘09, The Ramone Poet, Cassettes, and More « Vol. 1 Brooklyn

      […] Dee Dee Ramone: the Yogi Berra of punk rock poetry? […]

  10. Nathan Tyree

      One of my favorite memories is of being soaked in blood, mud and beer in a mosh pit while the ramones screamed about the need to be sedated.

  11. Nathan Tyree

      One of my favorite memories is of being soaked in blood, mud and beer in a mosh pit while the ramones screamed about the need to be sedated.

  12. jereme

      to you yes.

  13. jereme

      to you yes.

  14. jereme

      and i mean that in a playful way.

  15. jereme

      and i mean that in a playful way.

  16. jereme

      when did dee dee die?

      i remember joey dying suddenly but i have no recollection of dee dee?

  17. jereme

      when did dee dee die?

      i remember joey dying suddenly but i have no recollection of dee dee?

  18. Sean

      2002, heroin I believe. Predicted for maybe since he was 14.

  19. Sean

      2002, heroin I believe. Predicted for maybe since he was 14.

  20. jereme

      yeah, heroin is a motherfucker.

  21. jereme

      yeah, heroin is a motherfucker.

  22. Almanacco del Giorno – 29 Dec. 2009 « Almanacco Americano

      […] HTML Giant – Dee Dee Ramone on Writing […]