November 22nd, 2010 / 2:05 am
Craft Notes
Kyle Minor
Craft Notes
Dept. of Arbitraryish Statistics: Three Variations on Three-Act Structure Edition
Coetzee, J.M. Disgrace. New York: Viking, 1999.
Acts: 3.
Chapters: 24.
Chapters per Act: 8.
Pages per Chapter: 8-10.
Roth, Philip. Indignation. New York: Houghton Mifflin, 2008.
Chapters: 3.
Page Range per Chapter:
“Under Morphine,” 1-224.
“Out from Under,” 225-231.
“Historical Note,” 232-233.
Schlink, Bernhard. The Reader. tr. Carol Brown Janeway. New York: Pantheon, 1997.
Parts: 3.
Chapters: 46.
Chapter Distribution by Part: 17, 17, 12.
Page Distribution by Part: 80, 80, 51.
Tags: bernhard schlink, j m coetzee, philip roth, three act structure