July 13th, 2010 / 4:42 pm

How To Make Your Next Reading More Interesting (Even If Your Work Really Isn’t)

1) Wear a mask. We all do. There is nothing to hide but hide itself.


2) Get yourself a posse. They will give you the self-confidence you need to howl.


3) Stand between two plants. Sip water. Indirectly tell a roomful of Prairie Home Companion fans how awful it is to be rich and famous. They will laugh. At almost everything. And for a moment, they will be rich and famous too.


4) No pussyfooting. Get vertical.

Now get out there and chase that damn dragon! There’s one in my garage too.


  1. Sean

      The laughs in the Collins readings are the centrifuged essence of douche bag. Jesus.

      That reading needed a rowdy drunk and a foam bat and a bullshit detector.

  2. jon

      every tony hoagland reading i’ve been to has had the same problem. i was always pretty disinterested by him, but the last reading i saw made it dip a bit into straight dislike. poetry readings in general seem hella forced to me far too often. the weird structure and pacing of it.

  3. Sean

      The laughs in the Collins readings are the centrifuged essence of douche bag. Jesus.

      That reading needed a rowdy drunk and a foam bat and a bullshit detector.

  4. jon

      every tony hoagland reading i’ve been to has had the same problem. i was always pretty disinterested by him, but the last reading i saw made it dip a bit into straight dislike. poetry readings in general seem hella forced to me far too often. the weird structure and pacing of it.

  5. joseph

      Reynard it appears as though you’ve linked me to a serial killer…I appreciate the link regardless.

  6. joseph

      apologies to whoever that is if they see this, or to any serial murdering HTMLG commenters, I didn’t mean to sound derogative

  7. Tadd Adcox

      I’m kinda in love with the lady in the first video. Just sayin.

  8. reynard

      pickin up what you puttin down


  9. joseph

      Reynard it appears as though you’ve linked me to a serial killer…I appreciate the link regardless.

  10. joseph

      apologies to whoever that is if they see this, or to any serial murdering HTMLG commenters, I didn’t mean to sound derogative

  11. Tadd Adcox

      I’m kinda in love with the lady in the first video. Just sayin.

  12. J. Bradley

      5. Practice. We can only trip and fall over your stuttering so much..

  13. reynard

      pickin up what you puttin down


  14. john carney

      What about people who stutter every day of their lives? They presumably shouldn’t do any readings, eh?

  15. Steven Augustine

      Billy Collins: the Nomosexual Laureate.

  16. Steven Augustine

      You are either a master of the fine art of deadpan or

  17. J. Bradley

      5. Practice. We can only trip and fall over your stuttering so much..

  18. john carney

      What about people who stutter every day of their lives? They presumably shouldn’t do any readings, eh?

  19. Steven Augustine

      Billy Collins: the Nomosexual Laureate.

  20. Steven Augustine

      You are either a master of the fine art of deadpan or

  21. Janey Smith

      I wore a mask when I encountered you on the street yesterday.

  22. Janey Smith

      I wore a mask when I encountered you on the street yesterday.

  23. reynard

      question answered

  24. mimi
  25. reynard

      question answered

  26. mimi
  27. This Week: Which Famous Writer Do You Write Like, One-Hit (Literary Wonders) & More | Lit Drift: Storytelling in the 21st Century

      […] HTMLGIANT on how to make your next reading more interesting (even if your work really isn’t). […]