January 20th, 2011 / 3:41 pm

Junior Prom by Chelsea Martin, a Metazen Film

Story by Chelsea Martin. / Written for the screen and directed by Riley Michael Parker / Starring… Marika Haskins, Lauren Emery, Noah Emmet, and Nathaniel Applefield as “Uncle Mitch” / Metazen

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  1. stephen

      vive metazen vive frank

  2. Jeremy Bauer

      lots of real good lines. i like her feelings towards miscarriages and thoughts on her puberty’s effect on her father.

  3. Kevin Sampsell

      This is the best story to film adaptation since Brokeback Mountain or Fast Times at Ridgemont High.

  4. Eli Artichoke

      The tasting-the-lasagna-for-a-second-time joke made me lol. Good stuff.

  5. elizabeth ellen

      chelsea martin is my girl. and also the funniest human being i know. (i’ll never forgive myself for not taping her reading here last year.) this little film’s a gas. love the miscarriage line a lot, too.

  6. marshall


  7. Anonymous
