November 16th, 2013 / 12:45 pm

Some movie news plus videos to look at

1. Peter Greenaway and Jean-Luc Godard have made a 3D omnibus film (along with one Edgar Pêra). The 2D trailer is here, and you can find information online: CinemaScope / Fandor / The Hollywood Reporter / Mubi / Variety.

2. Guy Maddin is planning a moving-picture adaptation of Sparks’s radio drama / concept album / opera-thingy The Seduction of Ingmar Bergman.

3. A lot of people don’t know that David Lynch once made a video for Sparks, but you’re not one of them:

And this is also relevant.

4. While we’re all here, we might as well look at this.

5. As well as this. Pretty well-done, no?

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  1. Bill Hsu

      Welcome back Adam. Very fine set of news items and clips there…

  2. shaun gannon

      god i wish i was ron mael

  3. CssTitan

      Huh, fond as I am of Sparks, I had no idea about the Lynch connection. It’s not … I don’t like it much. Bummer.
      I did end up on an forty-minute Sparks bonanza on youtube though, so that was fun. Are those _The Basement_ videos supposed to be live? I’m confused by the fellows pretending they’re chorusing when it’s obv all Maeldubs.

      Then I decided to look into Guy Maddin, since I’ve never seen anything by him, only had a vague idea about b&w movies. So I watched a clip from the Dracula ballet and the fucker made me cry? I’m getting sentimental in the most confounding ways, I think. Or maybe I’m really artistically sensitive — yes, that’s the ticket. Then again, I guess nothing will be more confusing than the time Devil Doll’s album _Dies Irae_ made me cry back in the days. Maybe I’m more of a sucker for pompous gothicisms than I’ve ever wanted to admit. Maybe I need to rip off my kvlt-badges and give Cradle of Filth another chance… Then again, they had all those horrible NWOBHM tendencies didn’t they? The hell with that.

      I’m gonna order _My Winnipeg_ from the library, cuz I think there’s a better chance I can find someone who’ll watch that with me. Also, maybe I won’t start crying because of some fucking vampire bullshit what the hell.

  4. CssTitan


  5. A D Jameson

      I wish you were, too!

  6. A D Jameson

      I can highly recommend Maddin’s films Careful and Archangel.

  7. A D Jameson

      Thanks! I spent the past two months collecting them. Now I’m out again.

  8. Bill Hsu

      Careful and The Saddest Music in the World are my favorites.
