October 7th, 2008 / 1:30 pm

3 New FC2

There are three new titles just out from FC2 for summer: LA MEDUSA by Vanessa Place, LEDFEATHER by Stephen Graham Jones, and THE BRUISE by Magdalena Zurawski, all of which look incredible and make me want to order order order.

I really like when FC2 updates their new books as they always supply lots of info to troll around in. Each title has excerpts from the book, info on the the author, press, and so on. It seems pretty easy to get an idea of what the books are like and whether you will want them, and I usually do. You can also always dig around in their excellent archives for same sorts of info on all the great books they’ve done over the years.

They are also still accepting subs for this year’s Ronald Sukenik Innovative Fiction prize throughout the end of the month.

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  1. R.C.

      I’ve been reading La Medusa and it’s really amazing — the language is brilliant (a truly polylingual, English-language novel…a nice mirror of polylingual Los Angeles, where the official language is standard English, yet obviously, there’s so much more going on linguistically in Los Angeles). Also, Place renders each character in a truly genius way, that close-3rd POV, so each detail in the narrative is as that particular character would see it. And this is just the surface; there is SO MUCH going on in this book.

  2. R.C.

      I’ve been reading La Medusa and it’s really amazing — the language is brilliant (a truly polylingual, English-language novel…a nice mirror of polylingual Los Angeles, where the official language is standard English, yet obviously, there’s so much more going on linguistically in Los Angeles). Also, Place renders each character in a truly genius way, that close-3rd POV, so each detail in the narrative is as that particular character would see it. And this is just the surface; there is SO MUCH going on in this book.

  3. Adam R

      Vanessa Place read here in Baltimore last weekend, and it was truly strange and great. A considerable portion of the reading was from the publisher’s page of the book. She read the ISBN number with great interest. She read the last page of the book backward and then a second time forward. What else? She tore pages out of the book for the audience to read. She featured audience members in a play from the book.

      Nice, good things about Vanessa Place.

  4. Adam R

      Vanessa Place read here in Baltimore last weekend, and it was truly strange and great. A considerable portion of the reading was from the publisher’s page of the book. She read the ISBN number with great interest. She read the last page of the book backward and then a second time forward. What else? She tore pages out of the book for the audience to read. She featured audience members in a play from the book.

      Nice, good things about Vanessa Place.

  5. Blake Butler

      now i definitely have to order

  6. Blake Butler

      now i definitely have to order