March 24th, 2010 / 9:45 am

Antichrist Superstar: Rule of Threes Resurrected

1. Holy hell. Antichrist, the film, might have ruined my life. And on top of that, it was one of the most beautifully shot films I’ve ever seen. Talk about content versus craft. Fuck.

2. I dreamed last night that I had a reading in front of 1,000 or so people, and I hadn’t prepared. Got up on stage and couldn’t decide which poems to read. Blake Butler offered to read one of my poems for me, but I wouldn’t let him and proceeded to babble and choke my way through something until some audience member began playing the piano…

3. A girl I like:

Artist Kendra Binney


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  1. Joseph

      Yes, absolutely, re: form/content/Antichrist. The content is diverting due attention from some of the best cinematography of last year. That’s what ultimately resonates for me: the horrifying telescopic zoom into a vase on a tabletop, the semiliminal faces in the blur of trees from a train window. Von Trier’s early films, the Europe trilogy in particular, are full of these sorts of startlers. In this way, Antichrist is a welcome return to form.

  2. Joseph

      Yes, absolutely, re: form/content/Antichrist. The content is diverting due attention from some of the best cinematography of last year. That’s what ultimately resonates for me: the horrifying telescopic zoom into a vase on a tabletop, the semiliminal faces in the blur of trees from a train window. Von Trier’s early films, the Europe trilogy in particular, are full of these sorts of startlers. In this way, Antichrist is a welcome return to form.

  3. Blake Butler

      haha. nice dream, you should have let me help! though babbling through is often better than a straight up one if you ask me.

      totally agreed on Antichrist. hits from all angles.

  4. Blake Butler

      haha. nice dream, you should have let me help! though babbling through is often better than a straight up one if you ask me.

      totally agreed on Antichrist. hits from all angles.

  5. brittany wallace

      hmm. that artist. i prefer audrey kawasaki.

  6. brittany wallace

      hmm. that artist. i prefer audrey kawasaki.

  7. Sean

      You were smart to not let Blake read that thing.

  8. Sean

      You were smart to not let Blake read that thing.

  9. Tom

      Antichrist was incredible. Everyone should see it. Now.

  10. Tom

      Antichrist was incredible. Everyone should see it. Now.

  11. Jhon Baker

      This is great – I love random, it’s so… how we, as humans, do things.

  12. Jhon Baker

      This is great – I love random, it’s so… how we, as humans, do things.