from Jean-Philippe Toussaint’s The Bathroom: “Edmondsson found me a bore. I let her talk and went on with my darts game. She asked me to stop and I didn’t answer. I was sending darts into the target, stepping up to pull them out again. Standing in front of the window, Edmondsson stared at me. Again, she asked me to stop. I hurled a dart at her with all my strength, and it stuck straight in her forehead. She fell to her knees on the floor. I walked over to her and pulled out the dart (I was shaking). It’s nothing, I said, just a scratch.”
from Jean-Philippe Toussaint’s The Bathroom: “Edmondsson found me a bore. I let her talk and went on with my darts game. She asked me to stop and I didn’t answer. I was sending darts into the target, stepping up to pull them out again. Standing in front of the window, Edmondsson stared at me. Again, she asked me to stop. I hurled a dart at her with all my strength, and it stuck straight in her forehead. She fell to her knees on the floor. I walked over to her and pulled out the dart (I was shaking). It’s nothing, I said, just a scratch.”
What are you doing this weekend?
Thank god somebody on this website still has a brain.
I really like mike’s posts too but is it really necessary to create …div…issssi..sionnnss?
do you really want the other ppl on this website to step forward and prove they have a brain?
those bangs & works comps are dope! ima dog
This was a crazy party. So glad I made the guest list.
Damn I forgot all about Ron Browze.