June 18th, 2010 / 4:13 pm

New Yorker Cartoon

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  1. gavin

      That’s wonderful and perfect and so, so right. Gotta love The New Yorker elevating small presses to the cartoon level of politics, divorce, and psychiatry.

  2. Blake Butler

      i like the way the lefty’s head is attached

  3. Amy


  4. gavin

      That’s wonderful and perfect and so, so right. Gotta love The New Yorker elevating small presses to the cartoon level of politics, divorce, and psychiatry.

  5. Blake Butler

      i like the way the lefty’s head is attached

  6. Amy


  7. PHM


  8. Mark Leidner

      it looks like righty’s mug is on white fire

  9. Mark Leidner

      the slightly classier predecessor to the lol

  10. Mark Leidner

      the favorite sound of the cowardly warrior

  11. Mark Leidner

      or has the new yorker lowered politics, divorce, and psychiatry to the cartoon level of small presses…

  12. PHM


  13. Mark Leidner

      it looks like righty’s mug is on white fire

  14. Mark Leidner

      the slightly classier predecessor to the lol

  15. Mark Leidner

      the favorite sound of the cowardly warrior

  16. Mark Leidner

      or has the new yorker lowered politics, divorce, and psychiatry to the cartoon level of small presses…

  17. Ani

      i like righty’s eye wrinkles/bags.

  18. Ani Smith

      i like righty’s eye wrinkles/bags.

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