April 29th, 2011 / 3:18 pm

Stupid ass pants

Irony is a smart people excuse for looking stupid. Talking Heads made nice songs, and so did MC Hammer, but you’ll only see one in some art chick’s iTunes library, the bichromatic spectrum of roots and highlights in her hair, the slow erosion of nail polish marking an idea she had three weeks ago one night reading Derriduh for class. Orwell said something about there needing to be opposing classes for a society to function, but my googlefingers are tired, and only Joyce can make up words like that. You may ask yourself, where is that large automobile? First, it’s called a Bentley, and ’twas inside MC Hammer’s garage before he spent all his money on fabric. (In the disclosure, is foreclosure, hence its closure.) Rap stars enjoy walking around showing off their mansions, huge ass freezers full of nothing but popsicles, the former which record companies lease per month, until the sales drop. Snoop Dog encouraged me to drop it like it was hot, but I simply dropped it like it was a hernia. The university is a cultural war zone without fatalities; the only collateral damage is a bruised ego and a secret asshole, whose soldiers come out firing blanks in cafes and open mics, the worst ones holding clipboards on sidewalks, in need of a shower. High brows listen to music inside their heads, low brows rub it with their ass. Problem is we all monobrow, fucking monkeys who just recently upgraded from sign language. Each side needs the other, so when you walk down the street, you can wear your team’s t-shirt, identify your party at a bar, go up to them and say stop making sense. Remain in light, speak in tongues, dance like there’s an angry handjob inside your pants. Point to the atoms between you and your enemy and say you can’t touch this.


  1. justin

      “there is an angry handjob in everything / it’s how the light gets in”

  2. Guestagain

      There is just too much top stuff here to even remark on. monobrow… sir, please…

  3. Guestagain

      There is just too much top stuff here to even remark on. monobrow… sir, please…

  4. Brian McElmurry

      Thanks for the intoxicating writing.

  5. Ned Vizzini

      I’m glad this was a writing project and not a Photoshop project.

  6. deadgod



      short deteur


      ass in steur


  7. curt

      damn, think that first sentence is right. good job.

  8. Iaian Smallwood

      This all screams “post-modern” to me.  One man’s harangue against the forces of nothing.  I like it.  Keep up the good fight, Mr. Chen.