November 8th, 2009 / 6:55 pm

What is an ‘essay’?

Over at the Brevity blog, we have this:

Brevity editor Dinty W. Moore is pleased to have published what he believes to be the shortest essay ever, in the new Mississippi Review.

Of Dinty Moore’s piece, Mike Scalise sincerely asks “can someone please explain to me, in sober, clear, and intelligent terms, what makes ‘I have a tendency towards glibness’ an ‘essay’?”

In the introduction to the issue, Jane Hamilton explains in postive/negative terms:

To the right of zero, we have “essay,” “hybrid” and “lyric”—positive terms, assertions of form in the absence of form. But as the works collected here demonstrate, these terms describe forays to the left side of the number line, attempts to fill in the lacunae of memory, find the truth in untruth or half-truth, to compensate for the limitations of language and labels. In these poetic non-poems and narrative non-stories, we can see what I’ve always suspected to be true—the real action is in front of zero.

What do you think, marmot?

(TOC here)

(definition of ‘glibness’ here)

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  1. nicolle elizabeth

      what is that, a beaver?

  2. nicolle elizabeth

      what is that, a beaver?

  3. andrew sierra

      are you blind, its clearly an essay

  4. andrew sierra

      are you blind, its clearly an essay

  5. Roxane

      It’s certainly a nice sentence. I want to pat the sentence’s head and say, “there, there, little sentence.”

  6. Roxane

      It’s certainly a nice sentence. I want to pat the sentence’s head and say, “there, there, little sentence.”

  7. mark leidner

      it could’ve been shorter like ‘i tend toward glibness’

      or i would’ve liked ‘i tend toward glibness.. in essay’

      but that makes me wonder, maybe too much concision isn’t glib

      or if something is funny, it’s not purely glib

      so it must be ‘i have a tendency toward glibness’

      that actually is glib and nothing else

      so in a way his essay is ‘worthlessly true’ ?

  8. mark leidner

      it could’ve been shorter like ‘i tend toward glibness’

      or i would’ve liked ‘i tend toward glibness.. in essay’

      but that makes me wonder, maybe too much concision isn’t glib

      or if something is funny, it’s not purely glib

      so it must be ‘i have a tendency toward glibness’

      that actually is glib and nothing else

      so in a way his essay is ‘worthlessly true’ ?

  9. jensen

      mark, i like you.

  10. jensen

      mark, i like you.

  11. Ryan Call

      i like ‘i have a tendency.’

  12. Ryan Call

      i like ‘i have a tendency.’

  13. Beniamino

      I think the title, “Self-Critique”, should considered part of the essay/non-essay.

  14. Beniamino

      I think the title, “Self-Critique”, should considered part of the essay/non-essay.

  15. Nathan (Nate) Tyree

      There is no such thing as an essay

  16. Nathan (Nate) Tyree

      There is no such thing as an essay

  17. Almanacco del Weekend – 8 Nov. 2009 « Almanacco Americano

      […] HTLM Giant – What is an ‘essay’ […]

  18. Scalise

      I’ve been thinking about that. But is *glibness* what the “essay” is really conveying, or is it steered mostly by *irony*?

  19. Scalise

      I’ve been thinking about that. But is *glibness* what the “essay” is really conveying, or is it steered mostly by *irony*?

  20. Dinty

      I don’t think the marmot gets it.

  21. Dinty

      I don’t think the marmot gets it.

  22. Justin Taylor

      I’ll grant that it’s an essay, if Dinty will grant that it’s a crappy one.

  23. Justin Taylor

      I’ll grant that it’s an essay, if Dinty will grant that it’s a crappy one.

  24. Planet Larry

      I guess he ain’t granting nothing

  25. Planet Larry

      I guess he ain’t granting nothing

  26. james yeh

      funny that the bio is about ten times longer than the actual piece.

      not sure how much control/foresight dinty moore had when sending it in (the bio), but seems funny

  27. james yeh

      funny that the bio is about ten times longer than the actual piece.

      not sure how much control/foresight dinty moore had when sending it in (the bio), but seems funny