October 17th, 2010 / 10:38 am

Wittgenstein Tweets

“Russell wants me to provide ‘arguments’ for my positions
i.e. he wants me to spoil their beauty.”
(1912, aged 23)

The aim of Wittgenstein Tweets is to introduce the entire life of Ludwig Wittgenstein in around 500 tweets over 6 months.   Yes, a silly project, and one which Wittgenstein himself would have almost certainly loathed.

I am doing it purely because I find Ray Monk’s biography (1990) of Wittgenstein so captivating and hilarious that I want more people to get to know him. No love for or knowledge of Wittgenstein is necessary.

via Zeph Auerbach


  1. Wittgenstein Tweets / HTMLGIANT « word pond

      […] Wittgenstein Tweets | HTMLGIANT. […]

  2. stefan michael

      I love Twitter: I thought I had run out of ideas of how to waste time.

      Seriously, this is a great idea, and I will be following the thread.

  3. zusya

      this tweet is all that is the case.

  4. Justin RM

      Christ. It makes me feel old to hate this so much. Like there’s a generational gap–even though it’s my generation. Fuck.

  5. alan

      Hmm, I was hoping this was going to be a stream of cool Wittgenstein quotes, like the Feneon one. Am I alone in failing to see the point of this?

  6. lorian

      i think wittgenstein would dig this

  7. evlav

      i thought that that monk bio, while somewhat entertaining, was finally quite sloppy