August 18th, 2009 / 4:00 pm

Just putting this out there into the world. If I stipulate that you are within your constitutional right to do so, would you consider maybe NOT BRINGING A FUCKING GUN to an Obama Health Care town hall, anyway? Could this be one of those, “Sure, I can do it, but I’m not going to” sorts of things?


  1. Pete

      Yes, it could, but merely suggest such a thing and you’ll have to endure the wingnuts ranting on and on about tyranny. Because let’s face it – not being able to carry a high-powered rifle into a contentious public assembly is the biggest reason we overthrew the British in the first place.

  2. Pete

      Yes, it could, but merely suggest such a thing and you’ll have to endure the wingnuts ranting on and on about tyranny. Because let’s face it – not being able to carry a high-powered rifle into a contentious public assembly is the biggest reason we overthrew the British in the first place.

  3. Nathan Tyree

      More people need to say this

  4. Nathan Tyree

      More people need to say this

  5. Janey Smith

      We need Steve Sax.

  6. Janey Smith

      We need Steve Sax.

  7. Blake Butler

      Are you guys not over Obama yet?

  8. Blake Butler

      Are you guys not over Obama yet?

  9. Nathan Tyree

      With hiss many (many) flaws and failings, he is still the best president of my lifetime. Not that the competition is much (Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush)

  10. Nathan Tyree

      With hiss many (many) flaws and failings, he is still the best president of my lifetime. Not that the competition is much (Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush)

  11. Adam R

      Whoa dad you’re old.

  12. Adam R

      Whoa dad you’re old.

  13. Nathan Tyree

      Yup – I’m the oldster here (to be fair, I shouldn’t count Nixon since I was born just in time for his resignation. Carter is the first president I have any memory of, and those are vague).

  14. Nathan Tyree

      Yup – I’m the oldster here (to be fair, I shouldn’t count Nixon since I was born just in time for his resignation. Carter is the first president I have any memory of, and those are vague).